Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Government and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Government and Politics - Essay Example In any case, to outsiders it can likewise be one of the most strange. The political decision race in certain nations including United Kingdom takes only half a month, yet US presidential sprinters attempt a political epic, arranging 'primaries', 'party shows' and a 'Constituent College' framework down the way (Bennett 2005, pg 270). In the UK, the gathering picks an applicant, yet in the US, in any case, supporters who pronounce vote in favor of some gathering get the opportunity to pick from the rundown of up-and-comers (Bennett 2005, pg. 270). The up-and-comers, battling contrary to different competitors of a similar gathering, must win enough 'express primaries' to give them the most delegates at the gathering show in the late spring (pg. 271). A few states, for example, Iowa, utilize a 'council framework' as opposed to primaries to choose. While in primaries individuals just show at the vote box which applicant they support, councils (the word gets from an Indian word for a social event) are increasingly mind boggling and work by choosing delegates through a few phases. That multifaceted nature was a result of the American's supposedforerunners' frenzy of absolutism and the yearning to safeguard the authority of individual States. There are, when all is said in done, two kinds of primaries - open and shut. ... 272). As The 'political show' is incredibly an American conviction, one that is gotten serious about the ideological groups that have composed Americans' inclinations in administering for right around 175 years. Interestingly, political shows are not expressed in its Constitution. Unquestionably, the trailblazers of America saw ideological groups with suspect or through and through resistance. However at this point, they can scarcely envision an administration without ideological groups, and the gatherings' shows are enormous, communicated media occasions (Bennett 2005, pg. 273). Each State arrives at the corridor with its own representatives and bulletins announcing which presidential candidate it underpins. Notwithstanding the 'absence of energy' from the establishing fathers of the U.S. to acknowledge ideological groups, two had bounced back in certain times of the nation's start. These first gatherings were characterized with a free bunch, and it's precarious to discover precisely when they began. By the late nineties, in any case, these gatherings were getting progressively arranged and assuming a bigger job in American political undertakings. These days, presidential primaries have made the shows inconsequential for viable reasons. They exist chiefly as a 'selling device' and a political 'pre-game event', where each gathering imagines an all around arranged show. The opponent applicants square up for the presidential development appropriate. Strategies are cleaned, frequently to consider the supporters of the candidates who have been cleansed. This period of the battle is shorter than the trudge through the State primaries. There are substantial costs spent on TV builds up on a national scale, and there are routinely banters on TV between the candidates for Presidential decisions. In the end weeks, the applicants as a rule

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Marine Science Food Web free essay sample

On the graph beneath, what level of vitality (from the decisions in blue on the left) is moved from a maker to an: (An) optional customer, (B) tertiary buyer, (C) quaternary purchaser? A: 1.0% B: 0.1% C: 0.01% Take a gander at the statement from Rachel Carson on the main page. What do you think the statement implies? Utilize a portion of the terms we have secured with respect to the subject of food networks in your one to two passage clarification. I think the statement is valid in its importance, that each animal on Earth is associated by an evolved way of life. The chain begins with the Sun, and afterward goes to the maker, which utilizes photosynthesis to deliver vitality. The maker gets 100% of the Sun’s vitality. All purchasers after that just get 10% of the vitality from the buyer/maker before them. The following is the essential buyer, which gets 10% of the vitality. At that point there’s the optional shopper, which gets 1. We will compose a custom article test on Sea life Science Food Web or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 0%. The essence of the statement is that all through the entirety of the Earth’s conditions, there are consistently natural pecking orders, where living beings assemble vitality from different life forms. For what reason is it gainful that numerous ruthless fish have larval and adolescent stages that feed at a low trophic level, while the grown-ups feed at a tertiary or quaternary trophic level? In the event that the hatchlings and adolescents feed at a lower trophic level, at that point there is to a lesser extent a hazard for them to be expended, since they are taking care of in a progressively subtle way. The grown-ups can fight for themselves better, and hence can take care of at a significant level with bigger life forms. Not all grown-ups feed at a high trophic level. Whale sharks (50 ft.) are the biggest fish and feed on tiny fish and little fish, while Great White sharks (20 ft.) are the biggest savage fish and feed on ocean lions, seals and enormous fish. Blue whales (100 ft.) are the biggest whale and feed principally on tiny fish and krill, while the Sperm whale (45 ft.) is the biggest meat eating whale benefiting from fish and extremely huge squid. (a) How does the area of every creature position according to the makers add to their size? Make certain to take a gander at the evolved way of life and the measure of energyâ that is being moved between the levels. The higher on the trophic level, the life form is commonly bigger and more than likely veggie lover and eats in colossal amounts. (b) Why do you guess the tiny fish feeders can achieve such huge sizes contrasted with the carnivores? They can develop a lot bigger, in light of the fact that they can expend a lot of microscopic fish or krill at once, while a littler predator must remain their particular size so they can have the option to get their prey.

Friday, August 21, 2020

IVU Preparation and IVU Procedure

IVU Preparation and IVU Procedure What is Intravenous Urography? Intravenous Urography analyzes is the urinary framework by utilizing a unique color (differentiate medium) that is infused into one of your veins. The color goes through the circulatory system and is expelled by the kidneys and went into the ureters and bladder. The color assists with showing up these organs all the more obviously on X-beams. The test can help discover the reason for urinary issues. It can show kidney and bladder stones, tumors, blood clumps or narrowing in the ureters. It is routinely done as an out-tolerant methodology in the radiology division. The method is included two stages. To start with, it needs a working kidney to wipe the color out of the blood into the pee. The time essential for the color to come into see on x beams associate precisely with kidneys work. The subsequent stage gives whole anatomical pictures of the urinary tract. Inside the initial couple of moments the color illuminates the kidneys, a phase called the nephrogram. Later the photos follow the color down the ureters and into the bladder. The last film taken in the wake of peeing shows how well the bladder purges. The difference is expelled from the circulatory system through the kidneys. At that point differentiate media gets noticeable on x-beams very quickly after infusion. Consideration is paid at the: Kidney Bladderã‚â ã‚â Cylinders that interface them (urethras) Why Intravenous Urography is finished? The most well-known explanation an IVU is done is in a condition be the associated nearness with stones in the urinary tract. Other pathology are, for example, renal disappointment, myeloma and early stages. The specialist might want to know how the pee is depleting from the kidney to the bladder and how the stones have influenced your urinary framework. This might be utilized to adjust the ultrasound of the kidney to the bladder and how the stones have influenced the urinary framework and the other insightful. IVU utilizes a color, additionally called as a complexity medium. This shows up the delicate tissues the urinary framework on the x-beam. This will permit the malignant growth to be found in any pieces of the patients urinary framework. The malignant growth appears as a blockage or a lopsided framework on the mass of the bladder or ureter for a model. It is likewise utilized in the examination of other associated causes with pee impediment or blood in the pee. Quiet groundwork for Intravenous Urography. Patient ought to be held NPO for 24 hours preceding the radiographic investigation. Patient ought to get at least 2 purifying bowel purges preceding examination. One bowel purge ought to be played out the night prior to the system. Patient ought to get enormous bore catheter preceding assessment start time. Patients more than 60 lbs ought to get 2 huge bore catheters to encourage differentiate organization. Drug Instruction Fasting Instruction Entrail Preparation An) Unless the patient have an asthma or different sensitivities the meds are not reqiured. Consequently, the proposal for the assessment is audited since the patient can build up a response towards the differentiation media that are utilized. In the event that the specialist feels the advantages of this technique will adjust the dangers, at that point the patient might be masterminded to prednisolone (a kind of steroid prescription) tablets for the assessment. This would be 40 mg 12 hours and afterward, 40mg 2 hours before the methodology. Once in a while in a critical assessment, the patient might be given an infusion of Hydrocortisone 100 mg (another sort of steroid) not long before the assessment. B) If the IVU methodology is toward the evening, patient can take light breakfast. Until 4-6 hours before the strategy, the patient can take a little cup of clear liquids every hour, for example, water, organic product juice, dark tea or dark espresso. No milk must be taken on the grounds that it causes heartburn. It is ideal that nothing ought to be taken for at any rate 4 hours preceding the strategy. Water is permitted in diabetics, myeloma patients, renal disappointment and for different conditions where drying out is contraindicated. C) Low buildup sans vegetable eating routine for 1 day before the assessment. A great deal of water ought to be taken during this period before fasting starts. The patient might be given intestinal medicines, for example, 2 tablets of Dulcolax at 9 pm the night prior to the assessment to expand the peristalsis activity. Strategy for Intravenous Urogram. Patient will be approached to lie on a x-beam table where the radiographer will take a starter film of their belly. The specialist will at that point give quiet an infusion of differentiation medium into their arm. After this, a progression of movies will be assumed control throughout the following 30 minutes as the color goes through your renal tract. At one phase of the technique, a tight band might be put on patients lower midriff to assist the radiographer with obtaining most extreme filling of the kidneys before the complexity medium streams down into the bladder. Toward the finish of the assessment, patient will be approached to exhaust your bladder, and afterward another film will be taken to see the vacant bladder. Here and there the differentiation medium sets aside some effort to experience the kidneys and these outcomes in an all-encompassing assessment time. Complexity medium is a liquid that is misty to x-beams, is amassed in the kidneys and goes into the bladder before being dropped in your pee. It is lackluster, so the patient can't see it when you go to the latrine. Beside the minor sting from the infusion as the differentiation medium is infused, a few people report feeling a warm flush, and now and then have a metallic preference for their mouth. These things for the most part vanish inside a moment or two, and are no reason to worry. Incase the patient become bothersome or shy of breath, let the radiologist know straight away, as they may have a slight response to the differentiation, which can be facilitated with antihistamines. On the off chance that the patient have asthma or extreme sensitivities, the radiologist may recommend them to take a steroid, or utilize other imaging alternatives. Tolerant consideration after Procedure Now and then, there would be minor (summed up warmth, to rashes) to direct, asthma and trouble breathing, a drop in the circulatory strain (normally transient) or infrequently extreme and perilous (hypersensitivity). Rarely, there might be extreme uneasiness/torment when pressure is applied, yet as a rule the pressure will be discharged the second the patient advise the radiographer in control regarding your assessment. The main extreme confusion of an IVP is a sensitivity to the iodine-containing color that is utilized. Such a sensitivity is uncommon, however it tends to be lethal. Persistent are given and solicited to lay on top from draw sheets cause the radiographic might be cold. Cushions are given for comfort. There is normally no extraordinary directions post IVU. The patient may eat and drink except if your alluding specialist has another assessment or strategy for you after the IVU assessment About the Intravenous Urography Examination The methodology takes around 40 to an hour. Quiet need to exhaust their bladder before the test. In a private desk area, Patient might be approached to take off their garments and put on a medical clinic outfit. At that point patient will be taken to the X-beam room and requested to rests on the X-beam table. Radiographer will take the principal X-beam pictures without the color. Radiographer will at that point infuse the color in a vein in their grasp or arm, and take more X-beams of your guts and pelvis. Patient might be approached to move position and lie on your stomach, or hold their breath for a couple of moments while the X-beams are taken. To help improve pictures of the kidneys, a tight band might be set over their stomach area. Patient may likewise be approached to go the latrine to purge your bladder and have another X-beam taken. Results on Intravenous Urography A typical intravenous urogram shows no obvious irregularity in the structure or capacity of the urinary framework. The radiologist searches for a smooth non-lobulated blueprint of every kidney, no clubbing or other variation from the norm of the renal calyces (gathering framework), and no unusual liquid assortment in the kidneys that could propose deterrent. The ureters must contain no filling abandons (stones) or deviations because of a contiguous tumor. The bladder must have a smooth blueprint and void typically as imagined on the post-void film. Anomalous outcomes incorporate hydronephrosis (distension of the renal pelvis and calices because of impediment) because of tumors or calculi (stones). Pimples or abscesses may likewise be available in the urinary framework. A postponement in renal capacity can likewise demonstrate renal sickness. An unusual measure of pee in the bladder in the wake of voiding may show prostate or bladder issues. Intravenous urograms are regularly done on kids to preclude a fast creating tumor in the kidneys, called a Wilms tumor. Kids are additionally inclined to diseases of the bladder and kidneys because of urinary reflux (return reverse of pee). Film For a primer film, (35 x 43cm) recumbent full A.P. midriff to incorporate lower fringe of symphysis pubis and stomach, stomach preparation,and for any calcifications overlying the renal tract zones. Extra movies to choose position of any opacities.35ã‚â ° back angled of the renal districts. Tomogram of the renal zones are at 8-11 cm 4 reasom why we do preminilary Quiet planning The situation of kidney (collimation) Introduction factor Guidance For a prompt film (24 x 30cm), AP of the renal territories, the film is uncovered 10-14 s after the infusion (arm-to-kidney time). It is to show the nephrogram. For a brief film (24 x 30cm) AP of the renal regions, this film is taken to choose if the discharge is equivalent or if the take-up is poor and is significant for evaluating the need to change the method. A pressure band is currently applied around the patients mid-region and the inflatable situated halfway between the iliac spines. This can create better pelvicalyceal distension. Pressure ought not be utilized in instances of suspected renal colic, renal injury or after ongoing stomach medical procedure. In 15 moment AP of the renal territories, there is generally adequate distension of the pelvicalyceal framework with obscure pee when.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Avoiding Fossil Fuel Costs With Wind Power In Europe - 1375 Words

Avoiding Fossil Fuel Costs With Wind Power In Europe (Essay Sample) Content: Wind power in EuropeStudents NameInstitution AffiliationTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Title3Abstract3Introduction3The history of wind power in Europe3Wind power replacing fossil fuel in Europe4Advantages of wind energy that will help avoid fossil fuel costs in Europe5The future of wind power in Europe6Conclusion7Avoiding fossil fuel costs with wind power in EuropeAbstractEnergy is an important aspect of life. Without energy, a large number of people would be left in the dark, hungry and cold. The main source of energy in the world is fossil fuels. The most dominant fossil fuels used by many developing and industrialized nations are oil, natural and coal. Of these three types of fossil fuels, Oil is the most used in providing energy, followed by coal then, natural gas. This paper aims at evaluating some of the best ways of avoiding fossil fuel costs with wind power in Europe.IntroductionEurope is at an energy crossroad situation. As a continent, Europe l argely relies on fossil fuels as the main source of energy at this time of increasing energy demand and declining supply. The continuous use of fossil fuel in Europe causes not only massive environmental deterioration but also imposes huge economic costs. Its the right time for the whole of Europe to choose between continuing suffering under fossil fuel or chose to pay and invest in a new renewable energy source like wind power (Heier, 2014, PP. 124-126).The consequences of continuing with the current fossil fuel consumption for energy in Europe are huge. As per now, European private and commercial energy consumers are spending close to $1 trillion each year on fossil fuel and still suffer the immense costs of pollution from coal, natural gas, and oil which cause serious damage to the environment and human health. There is an urgent need to finding a permanent solution to this problem. Luckily, European policymakers have recently taken the first small steps toward achieving a clean energy future. The move to embrace measures such as the adoption of renewable energy will encourage energy efficiency in the future. Many European nations are turning towards wind, hydroelectric and solar as their sources of energy. This move will help curb global warming as it will reduce pollution since fossil fuel usage will be minimized, ramp up the use of solar and wind power, and control global warming pollution. Furthermore, renewable energy sources are cheap and occur naturally hence will help in the reduction of energy costs (Yaramasu, et, all, 2015, pp. 742-758).The history of wind power in EuropeWind power has been in use for a very long time to generate electricity in Europe. Many people in Europe have been converting wind into usable energy throughout history. Earlier generations in countries like Poland, Ireland, and Scotland were known to construct small windmills that provided electricity used for powering their rural homes. They were used for powering water pumps an d also converted wind into usable electricity for homes.However, in the early 1930s, many European nations started extending their national grid lines to rural lines which forced the replacement of windmill generated electricity by the electricity generated from power plants that burnt fossil fuels like coal and oil. The gradual transformation resulted in the disappearance of wind power in most rural areas in Europe (Gallego-Castillo, et, all, 2015, pp. 1149-1155).Nevertheless, the recent urge to find an environmentally friendly source of energy has brought back windmills for power generating. Many European countries are investing heavily in modern and advanced wind machines for having wind energy. Modern technology has now made it possible to produce clean, cost-effective, and renewable wind energy.Wind power replacing fossil fuel in EuropeEven though Europe has not reached the point where renewable energy sources have completely replaced the fossil fuels sources, it's undeniable t hat most of the European nations are warming up to the idea of making wind and solar power their permanent source of energy. In fact, many parts of Europe have already felt the effects of such a paradigm shift from fossil fuel to wind power. In 2017, Britain began producing double the quantity of electricity from wind power than coal, making 2017 the greenest year ever witnessed in the United Kingdom. This reduced the cost of electricity since wind power as reusable and naturally available.In Ireland for instance, the government invested heavily in offshore wind turbines in the Irish Sea that produced wind power amounting to almost 90% of all the new electricity capacity added to the national power line. The increase in electricity generation due to wind power lead to the closure of some of the fossil fuel plants. Fuel cost was lowered as well (Prez-Collazo, Greaves, Iglesias, 2015, pp. 142-149).Fig A: Offshore wind power plant in IrelandThere is no doubt; were sure to see wind po wer become a real contributor to energy in Europe. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency report published in 2017, wind power will play a huge role in reducing the cost of energy. By 2020, most European countries will have made significant progress in converting from fossil fuel dependence to wind power.Even though the cost of installing wind power may be high as per now, the cost is projected to fall below the costs of most fossil fuels. Many European nations fossil fuel generations cost approximately $0.05 - $0.17 per kilowatt hour. This cost of electricity in Europe is expected to decrease to $0.03 - $0.10 per kilowatt hour by 2020 thanks to the many onshore and offshore wind power projects across Europe. Presently, the majority of the offshore wind projects are somehow costly. With time, the cost of these projects is expected to drop making the cost of power affordable. The reduction in the cost of wind power will surely make it hard for the fossil fuel energy s ource to survive in the future (Connolly, Lund, Mathiesen, 2016, pp. 1634-1653).Advantages of wind energy that will help avoid fossil fuel costs in EuropeOne of the greatest advantages associated with wind power that makes it easy for many European nations to tap electricity is because of its a renewable energy source. Wind is naturally available and can be used on a continuous basis without being exhausted regardless of the magnitude of consumption. Its therefore easy for many European nations to harvest and use as much wind power as they may wish.Even though the initial cost of installing wind turbines is high, it offers a long-lasting source of power as it requires minimal maintenance. After installation of wind power harvesting equipment, there are very minimal costs to be incurred after that since wind comes free from nature. Another advantage of wind power that will help in avoiding fossil fuel costs is its abundance in almost all European nations. Wind is naturally occurrin g; it can be used at any place to generate electricity in Europe without incurring extra costs like transportation, and storage.Wind power can be obtained from any location be it cities, rural area, onshore or offshore. Furthermore, the cost of harvesting wind power is slightly lower when compared the cost of harvesting power from other energy sources. This is because wind power harvesting that needs the construction of specialized facilities like those for petroleum, coal or natural gas. The ...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Role Of Monetary Policy In Financial Crisis - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 18 Words: 5332 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? 1. Introduction To begin with, it is noted that over the last year or so, financial institutions in the major economies have reported losses on a large scale. Some of these have become insolvent, or have had to be taken over or rescued by their governments. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Role Of Monetary Policy In Financial Crisis" essay for you Create order The 2008 Global Financial Crisis Credit Crisis has affected millions of Americans specifically and others around the World in general terms. Associated with all of that has been a massive swing in the appetite of the World financial markets for risk, and in their capacity to accept risk. Thus, the result has been a shift from an easily available credit to tight credit. This crisis which began in industrialized countries has shifted dramatically spread to emerging market and developing economies. Many wealthy investors or so have pulled their capital from countries, even those with small levels of perceived risk, and hence causing values of stocks and domestic currencies to plunge. Moreover, the crisis has now moved from containing the contagion to coping with the global recession and changing regulations to prevent a reoccurrence of such a problem. Some security and foreign policy effects of the crisis also are beginning to appear. In addition, policy proposals to change specif ic regulations as well as the structure of regulation and supervision at both domestically and internationally levels have been coming forth through the legislative process. As one can bear in mind, In June 2009, the Obamas administration announced its plan for regulatory reform of the U.S. financial system. For example, in Congress, numerous bills have been introduced that deal with issues such as establishing a commission or selecting a committee to investigate causes of the financial crisis, provide oversight and greater accountability of the Federal Reserve and Treasury lending activity, acting towards the problems in the housing and mortgage markets, provide funding for the International Monetary Fund, address problems with consumer credit cards and establish a systemic risk monitor. Therefore, the transmission of the crisis from the U.S. and Europe to the rest of the world came through a number of channels. The financial institutions in most emerging market economies had not been involved in practices that are seen in the institutions that populate the financial centers in the major industrial countries. To that extent, financial institutions in the emerging economies either shied away from the more exotic instruments, including such things as credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations, or were prevented by regulation from holding or trading such instruments. Banking had to come of the most à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“boringà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, old fashioned ever! (The New York Times has reported on last September 2009 about the moves to replace the bust securitized mortgage market with a similar scheme dealing in life insurance policies, products that are as distasteful as they are foolhardy). The question is, can anything be done to ensure more responsible financial practice? If we are suppose to talk about the US economy, we would notice that President Barak Obama marked the anniversary of Lehman collapse with a plea to bankers to not get complace nt, telling them to get their house in order, or else face further regulation. We can indicate that over the past year, the financial male storm has battered the global information and communication technology industry, affecting profits and pushing down the industry in a manner reminiscent of the 2001 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2002 dotcom busts. It is gradually finding its feet again, but it isnt out of the woods yet. The global financial tumult has forced a number of companies to reanalyze their cost benefit analysis, ensure efficiency and improve productivity. Companies in sectors such as telecom and finance have already realized the need of IT outsourcing as a solution in the changed market dynamics. Therefore, this research paper provides a review of how the financial crisis has affected many regions of the world, proposals for a regulatory change, indication about the role of Monetary Policy the level of Political Economics that have been intervening in the Financial Crisis. I t also identifies some basic challenges facing the globe suggests possible solutions for the Banking Field to overcome the crisis. 2. Literature Review The financial crisis was triggered by the bursting of a credit-fuelled bubble. Regulation and regulators did not cause this fatal bubble, but they did indirectly help it to grow by fostering the illusion of financial security. Many developing country economies are yet growing strongly, though the forecasts have been downgraded in the space of few a few months. What does the turmoil mean for such developing countries? And for how much longer can growth persist? What are the channels through which the crisis could spread to and how are the effects being felt and in what cases? What is the role for development policy and what do policy-makers need to know? Brooke Masters (2009) claimed: So far, most countries are avoiding a regulatory race to the bottom à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" if anything, they are going the other way. The UK, for example, is pressing ahead with its own liquidity rules, while the Netherlands has pushed through curbs on bankersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ bonuses. Even Singapore, which has long been favored by financiers for its à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“light-touchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? regulatory regime, considering tightening up its rules. However, Joshua Aizenman (2009) indicated that costly regulation can mitigate the probability of the crisis. We identify conditions where the regulation level supported by the majority is positive after the reform, but below the socially optimal level. A big portion of the financial crisis has had to do with under regulation and regulator duplicity with malefactors. If we look at the banking rules, we shall discover that allowing investment and commercial banks to merge, without a specification of a tighter capital rules, and hence, these new mega banks became overleveraged without examining their loans or the instruments that derived from the bad loans these banks made in the first place. In his writings about Liberalism Ludwig von Mises (1927) indicated that government intervention in markets would lead inevitably to unintended consequences that resulted in further government intervention. It is difficult to correct a problem when the cause of the problem is misunderstood. The presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the United States have all said that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Wall Street greedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? has led to the financial mess we are in. On the very face of it, this does not seem likely. Even if greed leads to problems, is it possible that greed has suddenly become much greater than before? To raise an interest rate at some a time is a mistake and is likely to make a bad situation even worse. In many respects, central banks, including the Federal Reserve, have drawn heavily on important threads of monetary policy research in responding to the financial crisis. Lang Wang (2005) had explained with a binding capital requirement, the effects on bank lending supply depend on the size, the capital level, the balance sheet liquidity of banks and the capital distribution and market structure in t he banking sector. In a similar context, Thorbecke (1997) finds that expansive monetary policy tends to increase ex-post stock returns. He reported that small firms tend to be affected more severely by the change in monetary policy stance. In addition, Paul Krugman (1999) indicated But when a financial disaster struck Asia, the policies those countries followed in response were almost exactly the reverse of what the United States does in the fact of a slump. Currently the traditional monetary policy of the Federal Reserve is to focus on targeting the federal funds rate, now that this rate has approached the zero-bound; it has shifted to focus on other ways to lower the cost of credit in the marketplace. Federal Reserve programs have intended to offset disruptions to interbank lending short-term credit financing. Since the credit crunch is caused by conservative lending policies during periods of financial duress and reduced profitability, one may finds that monetary policy is somehow ineffective in alleviating the credit crunch. Instead loan regulation can erase it. George Macesich (1992) argued that the poor performance of monetary policy can be attributed historically to the ease with which money has so often been made a political issue. He stated that For Monetary Policy to be credible, and thus successful, the hands of the Monetary Policy- makers are better tied than left free. Sun Ruijun and Bao Erwen (2008) have reported The in-depth development of economic globalization has made economic ties and interdependence between countries even closer, boosting the sustained growth of world economy, and benefiting many countries. The global financial crisis is more than just an economic event: It puts pressure on the geopolitical system and is driving states to change their behavior. Taking a snap shot on the GCC states, one can clearly define how largely it has been insulated from the global credit crunch because they are the proud owners of some of the worlds largest oil deposits. Much of this has been caused by massive infrastructure and development projects such as Qatars liquefied natural gas facilities, Dubais fanciful real estate explosion and Bahrains attempts to convert itself into a financial Mecca. The economic system has an effect on the political outcomes. Well-functioning financial institutions, in turn, can increase the political support for anti-corruption measures. Kira Boerner Christa Hainz (2006) argued When banks possess a perfect screening technology that allows them to deny credit to those debtors who use the money for financing an entry fee, the corrupt officials will still borrow from their relatives. However, compared to the case without financial institutions, the interest of corrupt officials and relatives in corruption decreases: Both parties have the opportunity to save at a bank. In similar terms, Torsten Persson (2000) had explained Economic policy is the equilibrium outcome of a well defined no cooperative game under preemptive assumptions about economic political behavior. At all levels, the present financial crisis requires a co-ordinate response on a global scale. The real risk to the world economy is the temptation to revert to protectionism by each individual country in order to solve their own domestic problems. 3. Research Methodology In choosing the correct research method to be used in this research paper, the survey research method by Questionnaires will be the basic research design. Each respondent will be supplied with a questionnaire titled How banks can overcome the Global Financial Crisis? The questionnaire is estimated to take no longer than 6 minutes for each reached individual regardless of the age. A survey of 68 individuals located in many counties throughout the country will provide the database for this study. The sample was selected on a probability basis from as much decision maker playing role individuals as possible in Bahrain. The questionnaire took place in Bahrain the response from the respondents took almost one week. Questionnaires were distributed randomly depending on many aspects such as: age, gender, employment condition most important of all, the level of knowledge regarding the topic under study. This research paper sampling volume totaled 68, out of which, males represen ted 38 and the rest 30 were for females. The original sample was 70, in which the researchers found that 2 individuals were students below the age of 18 and were unemployed. That made a quiet confusing decision to remove the two from the total sample, since at that age and being unemployed is not a truly decision maker respondent. 4. Challenges As the world look beyond the economic crisis, what are the most urgent challenges that are needed to be addressed? Gaining a proper perspective on the crisis itself is a first challenge. In recent decades, it has been demonstrated that a market which operates responsibly offers a more secure life and a best hope to people who seek a better standards of living wherever in the world they may live. This is absolutely fundamental. While it is true that the direct causes of the crisis the combustible mixture of excess leverage in both consumer and financial markets, the bank failures, the credit collapse have led to some painful consequences, it would be folly to conclude that the foundations of market economics have been irreparably damaged. A second challenge facing the Global is how to deal intelligently with the huge fiscal challenges ahead. The response of central banks and governments to the economic crisis may very well have averted a global catastrophe. However, massive fiscal obligations have been assumed by governments and this might take many years to unwind. What is needed is for countries to create and develop smart à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“exità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? strategies. Furthermore, as the private sector returns to some growth, this requires a determined pullback in government expenditure. Not an easy task: as we all know, the politics of unwinding government programs can be daunting. Here political courage and good public policy go hand in hand. The third challenge needs an urgent attention. It is acknowledged that the global economy is out of balance and that this is one of the reasons for the financial crisis. Massive reliance on external demand carries with it real consequences as does the excessive reliance on foreign investors to finance consumption and deficits for long periods of time. As one could realize, such imbalances can cause serious and long-lasting economic damage. There is also the challenge, or opportunity, of what to do with a countrys immense foreign exchange reserves. A Chinese think tank has come up with an exciting idea: that the reserves could be put to good use through the development of a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Marshall Planà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ for Africa, Asia and Latin America. Such a development fund, or loan facility, would increase living standards in the targeted countries. The fifth challenge is enormously complex challenge that deserves attention. Sometimes we feel that we have loaded so many expectations onto the climate change agenda that it cannot help but fail. You would think that tackling this issue will give us infinite new sources of cleaner energy, and allow for the transfer of substantial amounts of financial and technological support to emerging economies. On the global side, No existing architecture is found to be proficient in preventing global crises from erupting. Since financial crises occur even in relatively tightly regulated economies, the likelihood that a supranational infl uence could prevent an international crisis from occurring is questionable. The financial crisis has been characterized as a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“wake-up callà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? for investors who had put their faith confidence in. For example, credit ratings placed on securities by credit rating agencies operating under what some have referred to as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“wicked incentives and conflicts of interest.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Moving forward to a sixth challenge, the Council on Foreign Relations explained the problem in a report on systemic regulation, as follows: One regulatory organization in each country should be responsible for overseeing the health and stability of the overall financial system. The role of the systemic regulator should include gathering, analyzing, and reporting information about significant interactions between and risks among financial institutions; designing and implementing systemically sensitive regulations, including capital requirements; and coordinating with the fiscal authorities and other government agencies in managing systemic crises. We argue that the central bank should be charged with this important new responsibility. Centers of financial activity such as New York, London, and Tokyo, race with each other and multinational firms can determine where to carry out particular financial transactions. This is to be addresses as one of the considerations in policy making. A seventh challenge is that a large financial institution that may be defined as large to fail represents the heavy arm that the world economy depends greatly on. If an institution is considered to be à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“unsuccessful too big to fail,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? its bankruptcy would cause a major risk collapse to the system as a whole. Yet, if there is an implicit promise of governmental support in case of failure, the government may create a moral hazard, which is the motivation for an entity to be engaged in somewhat risky behavior, knowing that the government wil l rescue it if it fails. A further challenge is that the nature and size of accumulating financial and systemic risks have not been well identified by the existing micro regulation. It even didnt impose appropriate remedial actions. Even though some analysts and institutions were sounding alarms before the crisis erupted, there were hardly any regulatory tools available to handle with the increase of risk in the system as a whole or the risks being forced by other firms either in the same or different sectors. It seemed to be an insufficient response to some of these risks either by the authorities responsible for the mistake of individual financial institutions or specific market segments. A last fundamental challenge deals with the nature of regulation and supervision. Banking regulation tends to be specific and detailed and places requirements and limits on bank behavior. Federal securities regulation, however, is based primarily on disclosure. Registration with the Securit ies and Exchange Commission is required, but that registration does not imply that an investment is safe or secured, only that the risks have been fully disclosed! 5. Analysis Discussion When the U.S financial System falls down, it may bring major parts of the rest of the world down with it. The global financial crisis has opened the World eye on an important point: that the United States is still a major center of the financial world. Hence, Regional financial crises (such as the Asian financial crisis, Japanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s banking crisis or even the current Dubais Credit Crisis) can occur without seriously infecting the rest of the global financial system as does the United States economy. The reason behind, is that the United States is the main guarantor of the international financial system, the provider of dollars widely used as currency reserves and as an international intermediate for exchange, besides being a contributor to much of the financial capital that around the world seeking higher yields. The rest of the world may not appreciate it, but a financial crisis in the United States often takes on a global hue. To analyze the questionnaire, the researchers have used the SPSS program and the regression analysis in order to define some relationships that best help identify the problem under study. The descriptive statistical analyses questionnaire will be used, including calculations of sampling error, and statistical adjustments for unequal selection probabilities. Cross-classification analyses with demo-graphic, ANOVA, linear regression and T-Test is much more applied in order to explain some judgments. Since the researchers think that the gender is one of the independent variables that could test many hypothesis, three hypothesis were applied based on the dependant variable: First Hypothesis: There is no relationship between gender and understanding what is going on in the current financial news. Second Hypothesis: There is no relationship between gender and being informed about the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Global Financial Crisisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Third Hypothesis: There is no relationship between gender and the deci sion that thinks of governments around the world should take in the financial sector towards their economies. The table below, represents the Statistical Data Analysis of the designed questionnaire: Table 1: SPSS Statistics for all questionnaire questions One-Sample Test  Question No.  Test Value = 0 Test Value = 0 N t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference  Lower Upper Lower Upper Question_1 68 23.758 67 0 1.441 1.32 1.56 23.758 67 0 1.441 1.32 1.56 Question_2 68 17.636 67 0 4.206 3.73 4.68 17.636 67 0 4.206 3.73 4.68 Question_3 68 21.715 67 0 1.706 1.55 1.86 21.715 67 0 1.706 1.55 1.86 Question_4 68 22.401 67 0 3.868 3.52 4.21 22.401 67 0 3.868 3.52 4.21 Question_5 68 13.683 67 0 2.074 1.77 2.38 13.683 67 0 2.074 1.77 2.38 Question_6 68 8.596 67 0 2.029 1.56 2.5 8.596 67 0 2.029 1.56 2.5 Question_7 68 10.618 67 0 3.5 2.84 4.16 10.618 67 0 3.5 2.84 4.16 Question_8 68 17.868 67 0 2.191 1.95 2.44 17.868 67 0 2.191 1.95 2.44 Question_9 68 23.953 67 0 2.676 2.45 2.9 23.953 67 0 2.676 2.45 2.9 Question_10 68 15.557 67 0 5.059 4.41 5.71 15.557 67 0 5.059 4.41 5.71 Question_11_1 68 14.691 67 0 3.529 3.05 4.01 14.691 67 0 3.529 3.05 4.01 Question_11_2 68 18.302 67 0 4.809 4.28 5.33 18.302 67 0 4.809 4.28 5.33 Question_11_3 68 21.056 67 0 5.029 4.55 5.51 21.056 67 0 5.029 4.55 5.51 Question_11_4 68 17.835 67 0 4.426 3.93 4.92 17.835 67 0 4.426 3.93 4.92 Question_11_5 68 20.978 67 0 4.897 4.43 5.36 20.978 67 0 4.897 4.43 5.36 Question_12 68 16.241 67 0 2.735 2.4 3.07 16.241 67 0 2.735 2.4 3.07 Question_13 68 14.707 67 0 2.676 2.31 3.04 14.707 67 0 2.676 2.31 3.04 Question_14 68 26.329 67 0 2.765 2.56 2.97 26.329 67 0 2.765 2.56 2.97 Anova Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 4.074 1 4.074 4.173 .045a Residual 64.440 66 .976   Total 68.515 67    a. Predictors: (Constant), Question_1    b. Dependent Variable: Question_8    Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.481 .368  4.025 .000 Question_1 .493 .241 .244 2.043 .045 a. Dependent Variable: Question_8    Table 2: Anova statistics coefficients relationship Q1 Q8 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Hypothesis. From the Questionnaire, we have selected the relationship among the following questions. However, Gender will always be constant. Question (1): Please indicate your gender: Male Female Question (8): In general, how knowledgeable do you consider yourself to be when it comes to understanding what is going on in the current financial news? I know enough to be able to explain whatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s happening in the financial industry to other people. I understand enough to make sense of the detail behind the financial news stories. I just follow the headlines but my understanding of financial news is fairly vague. I donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t really understand whatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s going on in the financial news. Question_8: On the One-Sample Test it is showed that the Significance is = 0.00 which is less than 0.05, so we reject any initial premise that the average Question_8 is not equal to 0. Since the answer to this question fell where the value of t = 17.868, positive, meaning that people have a significant understanding and knowledge about the current financial news. About 35.3 % of the answers to question 8 went in to that both, males females find themselves having enough understanding to make sense of the detail behind the financial news stories. On lower confidence levels, 29.4% find themselves confident enough to answer bitterly regarding the financial crisis. Question (9): How informed are you about the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Global Financial Crisisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that is said to be impacting the U.S. economy the rest of the Globe? Very informedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ I have actively sought additional information on this story. Somewhat informedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ I know a bit about it, but wouldnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be able to hold my own in a conversation about it. Informedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ve read/seen stories about it when Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ve come across them in the news. Not informed at allà ¢Ã ¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ I donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t know anything about this story. Question_9: The mean for this particular sample is 2.68, which is statistically significantly different from the test value of Zero.  34 out of 68 sample volume representing almost 50% who have been really informed to have read/seen stories about the global financial crisis when coming across it in the news. The researchers find that the relationship between gender and being informed about the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Global Financial Crisisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? is positive with (.493) and based on the t-value of (2.043) and p-value of (0.045), this relationship is statistically significant.   Hence, there is a statistically significant positive linear relationship between people gender being informed and know ledged enough about the crisis. Question (13): What role, if any, do you think that governments around the world should take in the financial sector towards their economies? Hands onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â ‚¬ the government should intervene whenever the financial sector is at risk. Intermediaryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ the government should act as an intermediary between concerned parties. Laissez Faireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ the government should not interfere with economic affairs beyond the minimum. Completely hands offà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ the government should let Wall Street solve its problems on its own. Case by caseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ the government should take a case-by-case approach. ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 14.714 1 14.714 7.132 .010a Residual 136.168 66 2.063   Total 150.882 67    a. Predictors: (Constant), Question_1    b. Dependent Variable: Question_13    Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.326 .535  2.480 .016 Question_1 .937 .351 .312 2.671 .010 a. Dependent Variable: Question_13    Table 3: Anova statistics coefficients relationship Q1 Q13 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Hypothesis. The relationship between gender and the choice to think of the role that governments around the world should take in the financial sector towards their economies is positive (.937). Based on the t-value (2.671) and p-value (0.010), it is to be clarified that this relationship is statistically significant.   Hence, there is a statistically significant positive linear relationship. Most of the questionnaires answer to question 13 went to choose that the role of government can be best suggested as to: Hands onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ the government should intervene whenever the financial sector is at risk. Question (4) Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have attained? Some high school High school graduate Some college College graduate Some post graduate studies Post graduate degree Question (13): What role, if any, do you think that governments around the world should take in the financial sector towards their economies? 1 Hands onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ The government should intervene whenever the financial sector is at risk.    3 1 7 1 8 2 Intermediaryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ The government should act as an intermediary between concerned parties.    2 7 3 1 2 3 Laissez Faireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ The government should not interfere with economic affairs beyond the minimum.    3 7 4 - 1 4 Completely hands offà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ The government should let Wall Street solve its problems on its own.    1    2    - 5 Case by caseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ The government should take a case-by-case approach. 1 2 3 4    5 Table 4: Cross Checking Analysis between Q4 Q13. To provide a better understanding of a cross classification, the table below indicates that, most of people holding a college degree, agreed with the choice that governments should intervene whenever the financial sector is at risk and in need for its support. Therefore, we see that the Global Financial Crisis can be broken down into major phases. Although each phase has a policy focus, it seemed that until the crisis has passed, no phase is directly having a clear ending point. The following three phases represent the most important phases related to our previous Literature Review: 1. Financial Markets Regulation As a coordination term of reforms in national regulatory systems, meetings have been made by many world leaders, to decide what changes may be needed in the financial system to address some issues by the United States and other nations center on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“fixing the systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? as a way of preventing future crises from occurring. Much of this involves the technicalities of regulation and oversight of financial markets, derivatives, and hedging activity, as well as standards for capital adequacy. 2. Staying with Macroeconomic Effects Since the financial crisis has been spread to real sectors to negatively affect whole economies; many countries, particularly those with emerging and developing markets, have been pulled down by the ever widening flight of capital from their economies and by falling exports and commodity prices. In such cases of recessionary economic conditions, rising unemployment, governments have turned to traditional monetary and fiscal policies. 3. Security, Political Social Effects On February 12, 2009, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, said: instability in countries around the world caused by the global economic crisis and its geopolitical implications, rather than terrorism, is the primary near-term security threat to the United States. These effects can be found in terms of political leadership inside the countries, protectionism, state capitalism effects of poverty flows of aid resources. We have always believed that we should have lofty aspirations and continually challenge ourselves to do better. But in the politically charged and confusing debate around climate change, it is easy to forget fundamental realities. For example, that climate change affects every human on earth and therefore we must find new ways for all nations to contribute, according to their pointed strengths and capabilities. Possible Policy Responses: Much better understanding of appropriate policy responses is required by the current macro economic and social challenges: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There must be a better understanding of what can provide financial stability, how cross-border cooperation can help to provide the public good of international financial rules and systems, and what the most appropriate rules are with respect to development. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rationalize thinking of whether and how developing countries can minimize financial contagion. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The implications of the current economic slowdown is in need to be managed by developing countries after a period of strong and continued growth. 6. Suggested Solutions to overcome the Credit Crisis So what should we do? By simple means, Americans in particular are going to have to save more of their income and consume less, and Asian economies will have to encourage for a greater domestic demand. In both cases, this is far easier said than done in reality. There is no magic set of policy prescriptions to prompt individuals to change their routine lifestyle so as to considerably enhance savings and consumption. First, for the globe (banking sector) with recovery, there must be a credible exit strategy put in place by the federal government. This is made in order to achieve balanced budgets over an economic cycle. However, this goal will be unattainable unless some of healthcare costs are controlled, consumption taxes are raised to a certain level, public security reforms are implemented, and the role of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“pay as you goà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? spending is embraced. In the case of the Asian economies, and especially China, the shift towards stretched consumption should spot light on strengthened pension schemes and increased government spending on healthcare, education accommodations. Second, the whole nations generally the banking field specifically will have to come to terms with the issue of exchange rate flexibility. With the global recovery, Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s exports for example are growing once again and more capital is flowing back into the country, raising expectations for currency appreciation. The alternative is future price inflation in certain asset classes. Chinese central bank Vice Governor Ma Delun recently highlighted the risk that asset bubbles could begin to build within China as the economy roars back to life. There needs to be an outlet and that outlet should be to allow the currency to appreciate. For the role of business going forward, as a third suggested solution, is that we must encourage our political leaders to work harder to create an international environmental change plan that is fair, effective, reasonable and sustainable. In each of our countries we can do more to advance policy that integrates economic expansion, energy and the environment. We must push our governments to adopt and accept policies that incent new technologies rather than encouraging them to hide behind false hope of weakened intellectual property rights or bubbling protectionism. A forth issue to overcome the crisis is that businesses themselves, throughout the world, have to step up to the plate. Even in challenging times, we need to greatly enhance our investment in research and development and commercialization of lower carbon energy, products and services. Direct business-to-business engagement is needed to be built as well as foreign investment and technology partnerships. For example, whats happening in China currently is that such partnerships create innovative capacity in both the developers and the adopters of new technologies. Though it might seem a little bit strange, a fifth solution is that we are to build a flourishing and peaceful world. Success will require a degree of cooperation among countries and peoples extraordinary in our lifetimes. The global economic crisis has been defined as a powerful mechanism and, in one respect at least, it has been beneficial. In shaking our confidence and our institutions, it has forced us all to think about how we can create a better world. This definitely is a crisis that must not be wasted! In recent public debate, some have argued that the task of building such a harmony should fall primarily on China and the United States the so-called G2. This would be viewed as dealing with a host of political, economic and security issues. In terms of interest, the welfare of China, the United States and the Globe as a whole would be better served in a multi polar world guided by efficient multilateral institutions. To some extent, we may hear the views of diverse business influential from around the world on what it takes to aspire to the f ront ranks of municipal urban accomplishment and superiority. In our view, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“value quality of livingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? should be the final determinant of rank. 7. Conclusion In the face of sliding world demand, efforts to raise domestic productivity and Competitiveness become critical factors for protecting export market shares. Not everyone is convinced of the qualities of globalization, especially if it was in difficult economic times. Looking around the world, the benefits of rapid globalization are not equitably shared. In the Worlds largest economies output has stopped shrinking financial markets are beginning to soften and confidence is re-emerging. It is inspiring; however, we cannot ignore that in most parts of the world unemployment is still on the rise, business continues to face hard-hitting conditions, a large amount of global manufacturing capacity remain creep, governments are saddle many financial institutions are still unstable. The scope for increasing the competitiveness of the South Asian economies is large and includes policies to improve the availability of infrastructure, lower the transaction cost of private investment th rough better governance, and reduce restrictions on trade and investment. Finally, in an environment of constrained resources, greater attention to improving Implementation capacity and corruption prevention in public spending becomes even more important.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Problem Of The Wage Gap - 944 Words

The wage gap is one of the most important issues that needs to be discussed and solved in contemporary society. Out of all the developed countries the United States of America has the largest wealth inequality, similar to countries such as Mexico and Malaysia. The United States is very dependent on its currency, without it then you are almost unable to live. Healthcare is free in most other developed countries while in the United States you are forced to literally pay for your life if the situation ever comes to it, some people that get diagnosed with terminal illnesses often choose to not seek treatment in order to not plague and burden their families with bills. America has the largest wage gap and if steps are not taken to close it as soon as possible then this country will soon revert to the monopoly overlords that once ruled this country. Having most of the wealth of the nation owned by the one percent is not a good thing at all. The economy of the country essentially relies on those individuals, if they choose to crash it then they have every right to, and they can. Those individuals can also chose to leave the country and place the money they own in the economy of another country. Based on a new Pew Research Center Report, the income inequality between middle income Americans and upper income Americans has reached a record high. The higher up American families make almost seven times more than middle income families of America. The top ten percent of Americans areShow MoreRelatedThe Gender Wage Gap : An Old Problem878 Words   |  4 PagesThe Gender Wage Gap: An Old Problem in a Modern World The pay gap between men and women has been a pressing issue that is still at the forefront of many political and everyday discussions. Women are currently about half of the U.S. labor force and are increasingly becoming the breadwinners of their families yet some statistics show that they still make about 77% less than men. This number is even lower when it comes to women of color in the workforce (Women’s Bureau U.S. Department of Labor).Read MoreThe Social Problem Of The Gender Wage Gap3058 Words   |  13 PagesApril 8 is â€Å"Equal Pay Day,† which is an event where the main purpose is to raise awareness in regards to the social problem of the gender wage gap. The president makes his announcement that women still earn only about 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. There are people advocating left and right for women to take a stand and sue their employers for wage discrimination or make demands they want the government to fulfill. The question becomes whether or not what everyone is fighting for is actuallyRead MoreWomen’S Rights: Gender Wage Gap. Problem, Solution, And1298 Words   |  6 PagesWomen’s Rights: Gender Wage Gap Problem, Solution, and Barriers Paper Problem The wage gap is the difference in men’s and women’s median earnings, usually reported as either the earnings ratio between men and women or as an actual pay gap. The median value is the middle value, with equal numbers of full-time workers earning more and earning less (Hill, 2011). Nationally, women earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man, and in Ohio women earn 78 cents for every dollar earned by a man (The Woman’sRead MoreA Brief Note On Wage Gap And The Workplace Gap1582 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Wage gap is an important reality that women constantly have to face in their everyday work lives. â€Å"The wage gap is a statistical indicator often used as an index of the status of women’s earnings relative to men’s† (The Wage Gap, 2015). It has been a major issue for many decades and it is often experienced by women in many traditionally male dominated industries. The problem may seem to be diminishing, however there is still a significant gender wage gap that can allow us to see thatRead MoreThe Wage Gap in America Essay1077 Words   |  5 PagesThe Wage Gap in America The wage gap is a serious problem that has consequences for women in America, our two parent families and our single mom households. The government tries to reduce the wage gap between men and women’s earnings and tries to make sure that women’s talents are properly used and rewarded. A lot has been done to relive the wage gap in the past fifty years, but it still is not enough. Women can do things on their own to help close the wage gap. They can get a non-traditionalRead MoreGender Wage Gap And Gender Inequality Essay1519 Words   |  7 PagesGender Wage Gap Lydia Ogles November 2016 Introduction/Abstract The gender wage gap has been a nationwide problem since women were able to enter the workforce. Women have begun to speak out more about the issue and evaluate what they can do to change the industries and how they personally present themselves to help this change. Currently there is a wide range of opinions on this issue, with some saying it does not exist while others think it will ruin the economy if not fixed immediately. This makesRead MoreGender Wage Gap Essay882 Words   |  4 PagesThe Gender Wage Gap In 2015, women made ninety cents for every dollar that their male peers earned. The gender wage gap has been a problem for centuries. In the 1700s, But since the 1980s, it hasn’t shifted much (Brown and Patten). Individuals like former President Obama have attempted to minimize the pay gap between men and women by passing pieces of legislation, but his attempts have done little to shift the wage gap. The community of American citizens needs to unite as a whole in order to stopRead MoreEqual Pay Act Of 19631382 Words   |  6 Pagesvery large problem in our country. Although, the country has continued to make outstanding strides on getting rid of discrimination in this country as a whole, it tends to stick around. One of the largest controversies in the workforce today, is that women are continuing to be discriminated against by receiving less pay than males. This problem of women receiving less pay than males in the workforce is known as the Gender Wage Gap. Equal Pay Act of 1963 The wage gap has been a problem in the workplaceRead MoreThe Wage Gap Within The United States1687 Words   |  7 Pagesright to equal wages; gender and ethnic inequality has been an on-going issue in the United States for a very long time. This inequality has been the reason for the Wage Gap which is a violation of everyone’s human rights. Some people believe that the wage gap is just a gender problem but it is not, it is unequal opportunities for racial and gender minorities; in fact some women that are of a certain race are paid significantly less than someone who is only of one minority. The wage gap relates to humanRead MoreGender Wage Gap And Gender Inequality1697 Words   |  7 Pagesto be paid less wages than men, but this paper will argue in the U.S. today the gender wage gap still exists. The definition of gender wage gap as stated by the U.S. government is defined as women who work full time or salary based jobs who receive less earnings than their male counterpar ts who work equal level jobs (â€Å"Equal Pay,† n.d.).[] This analysis will focus on the years of 2012 to 2014, and in these years it is clear that the gender wage gap exists. The topic of gender wage gap sociologically

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business and Corporation Law for MacTools Ltd-myassignmenthelp

Question: Whether MacTools Ltd can be held liable for negligence to Aurora, and Jessie, or not? Answer: Law Negligence is covered under the tort law and it denotes a civil wrong done by the parties. An incident of negligence takes place when a duty of care was owed by one party to another, and there was a contravention of this obligation, resulting in grave or serious harm to the individual to which this duty was owed (Legal Services Commission, 2013). For claiming a case of negligence, there is a need to show the presence of six different elements, which include the duty of care, its violation, resulting damages/ harm/ loss, the loss not being too remote, foreseeability and the direct causation between the injury and the breach of duty of care (Legal Services Commission, 2016). Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] UKHL 100 is a landmark English case which deals with negligence. In this case, the plaintiff consumed the ginger beer from the bottle manufactured by the defendant. This was due to the fact that the bottle contained a dead snail due to which the drink was contaminated. The plaintiff ultimately fell sick and initiated claim against the manufacturer. The court held that manufacturer was liable in this case due to the neighbor test. The reason for holding this was that the two people had a close relation between them, where the actions undertaken by one directly affected the other (E-Law Resources, 2017a). Paris v Stepney Borough Council [1951] AC 367 was a case where the defendant was held liable for negligence, due to the fact that they failed to provide the required safety gear to plaintiff. So, when the plaintiff worked, a rusty bolt fell apart and hit him in his only working eye. Ultimately, the plaintiff lost his sight and sued the council for breaching their duty of care. The court agreed that the duty was breached as the safety gear was needed, especially when the council knew that the plaintiff had only one working eye (E-Law Resources, 2017b). In order for the claim of negligence to stand, the damages have to be substantial and cannot be remote. Further, there is a requirement of the damages being foreseeable (Emanuel and Emanuel, 2008, p. 170). Vaughan v Menlove (1837) 132 ER 490 was a case where the defendant had, time and again, been warned about the haywire catching fire as there was a lack of proper ventilation in the building in which it was kept. As the defendant did not listen to these warnings, the court held him liable for negligence. The court also stated that a reasonable person would have considered these warnings and so, the plaintiff had to be compensated (E-Law Resources, 2017c). There is also a need to establish that the negligence occurred directly as a result of negligence of the other party. In other words, there is a need to prove that the actions of the defendant resulted in the harm or loss to the plaintiff. Once all these elements can be proved, a case of negligence can be made and the damages can be claimed (Statsky, 2011, p. 18). Upon a case of negligence being made, a counter claim which can be made by the defendant is highlighting the contributory negligence of the plaintiff. In such cases, the defendant shows that the person, who was injured, had made contribution towards the injuries sustained by him. When the contributory negligence of the plaintiff is established, the damages awarded to him are reduced by a sum decided by the court (Dongen, 2014, p. 8). Where a person exposes themselves to danger, they would be held to have contributed towards injures sustained by him. In Davies v Swan Motor Co [1949] 2 KB 291, the court held that the plaintiff had 1/5th responsibility towards the negligence as he was standing on the side of the dust lorry (E-Law Resources, 2017d). Application In the given case study, the negligence of MacTools Ltd can require them to compensate the injured parties for their losses. But before that is done, the negligence of MacTools Ltd has to be shown. The first step is to show that MacTools Ltd owed a duty of care towards Aurora. MacTools Ltd is the manufacturer and Aurora is the consumer in this case. Donoghue v Stevenson states that the relation between two parties can result in duty of care. Even though the machine was purchased by Mulan, Aurora used it and so was the consumer. This was similar to cafe purchasing the bottle but Donoghue consuming the same. Due to these reasons, there was a duty of care which MacTools Ltd owed to Aurora. The next requirement is to show that this duty was breached. The failure of the company to do anything about the chances of short-circuit was a breach of duty of care as it was their duty to make sure that the product made by them was 100% safe. This also made the chances of injuries which Aurora received as reasonably foreseeable. Applying the case of Paris v Stepney Borough Council, the resulting injuries of Aurora, would make MacTools Ltd liable. There was a direct causation of the failure of machinery and Auroras liability. And injures of Aurora were not at all remote and were substantial in nature. All these prove the negligence on part of MacTools Ltd for Aurora. However, MacTools Ltd has the option of making a counter claim of contributory negligence of Aurora. Aurora had been warned in this case through the safety warning and she failed to consider this. On the basis of Vaughan v Menlove, Aurora would be at fault here. Just because Aurora never read these warnings, her fault cannot be denied. So, on the basis of Davies v Swan Motor Co, the damages which would be awarded to Aurora for the negligence of MacTools Ltd would be reduced. In the matter of MacTools Ltds liability towards Jessie; the destruction of vase was not directly related to the negligence of MacTools Ltd. The actions of Aurora led to the power failure and not that of MacTools Ltd. There was an indirect link but not a direct one. Plus, it could not have been foreseen by MacTools Ltd that such an incident could take place, nor did they owe a duty of care towards Jessie. Hence, due to the lack of essentials of negligence, Jessie would not be able to succeed in suing MacTools Ltd for negligence. Conclusion To conclude, MacTools Ltd can be held liable for negligence to Aurora but the liabilities would not be raised for Jessie. References Dongen, E.V. (2014). Contributory Negligence: A Historical and Comparative Study. Boston: Brill Nijhoff, p. 8. E-Law Resources. (2017a). Hyde v Wrench (1840) 49 ER 132 Chancery Division (Decided by Lord Langdale MR). Retrieved from: E-Law Resources. (2017b). Brogden v Metropolitan Railway (1877) 2 App. Cas. 666. Retrieved from: E-Law Resources. (2017c). Vaughan v Menlove (1837) 3 Bing NC 467. Retrieved from: E-Law Resources. (2017d). Davies v Swan Motor Co [1949] 2 KB 291 Court of Appeal. Retrieved from: Emanuel, S., and Emanuel, L. (2008). Torts, New York: Aspen Publishers, p. 170. Legal Services Commission. (2013). What is negligence? Retrieved from: Legal Services Commission. (2016). Negligence. Retrieved from: Statsky, W.P. (2011). Essentials of Torts, 3rd ed, New York: Cengage Learning, p. 18.