Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Kennewick Man

The highly controversial treatment and care of the human skeletal remains that have come to be referred to as the â€Å"Kennewick Man† or the â€Å"Ancient One†, disinterred; July, 28, 1996, poses a multiplex of conflict. The remains were removed from a location below the surface of Lake Wallula, a section of the Columbia River pooled behind McNary Dam in Kennewick, Washington State, during a water sports event, July 29th. Being informed of the discovery of the remains, the U.S Army Corps of Engineers preceded to x-ray and CAT-scan the remains. On July 30th a local newspaper in Eastern Washington publishes a story of the discovery. The first public news leads representatives of local Native American communities to contact officials about the discovery. One bone fragment was sent to the University of California, Riverside, to be dated by a destructive test on August 5th. Early analysis reports upon the now irreparably damaged bone fragment dated the skeletal remains to b e approximately 8,400 years old. The U. S.Army Corps of Engineers, the agency responsible for the land where the remains were recovered took official possession On September 2nd. A group of five Native American tribes claim the human remains under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers agrees to the tribal claim(s) and publishes an official â€Å"Notice of Intent to Repatriate† statement as required by Federal NAGPRA law. This degree of cooperation is unprecedented and very much embraced amongst the Native peoples perusing the reburial and respectful treatment of the remains.On October the 16th eight anthropologists file suit for the possession of the remains in the U. S. Magistrate Court of Portland, Oregon, to prevent the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers from repatriating the remains to the tribes. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers defers possession of â€Å"Kennewick Man† to the U. S. department of the int erior. On September 3rd a federal judge orders â€Å"Kennewick Man† moved to the Burke Museum at the University of Washington. The remains thereby transferred to the Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, at theUniversity of Washington in Seattle, where they would be cared for until a final decision of possession or repatriation would be reached. A team of federally selected anthropologists present their preliminary findings based on non-destructive examinations of the remains, carried out at the Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, February 27th, 1999. A federal report links Kennewick Man to Asian peoples and not to any of the tribes claiming an ancestral link to the human being whose remains lay in question.Radiocarbon dating identifies the â€Å"Kennewick Man† remains as being approximately 9,300 years old. The Department of the Interior rules that the bones should be repatriated to the tribes who claimed them as belonging to an ancestor. The remai ns are perhaps the oldest exhumed Native of North America, providing scientifically valued information that may aid in the evolutionary sciences. The repertoire of evolutionary sciences concludes that the remains are particularly important for the research of North American migration from northern Europe and Asia, commonly known as the Barring land bridge theory. U. S.Magistrate, John Jelderks in the state of Portland rules on August 30th, 2002 that the skeletal remains should be turned over to a team of scientists for study, blocking the return to a coalition of Native American tribes advocating the reburial of the remains. Four Northwest Native bands that claim â€Å"Kennewick man† as their ancestor file notice that they will appeal in suit; the ruling rejecting their request to bury the remains. The federal Judge presiding over the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the ruling passed by Judge John Jelderks. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denies the request for a rehearing.While awaiting instructions from the legal possessor, the Army Corps of Engineers, the museum will provide a â€Å"secure† and â€Å"respectful† repository for the human remains for as long as required. The Burke Museum presently maintains possession of the remains, as there is the hypothetical necessity for further study which must entail rigorous testing and analysis to preside over a decade. The legal possessor of the remains has thereby vacated the matter leaving the Museum to sustain unlawful possession of the remains as well as the legal and social coup that coincides.The University of Washington, Seattle is a renowned institution with an extensive research facility placed at the disposal in conjunction with the Burke memorial museum. The imperative scientific â€Å"necessity† for further research of the remains has placed the museum as an institution in the wake of a highly controversial set of issues. The university has the initiative to perpet uate the sciences conducive to the study of anthropology, providing educational biases.The requests made on the behalf of the Native communities has a true claim to the respectful treatment of said human remains that is directly conflicting with the claims the scientific community has proclaimed. The definitions of respectful treatment are disputant amongst the two groups and continue to place the Burke Museum in the middle ground of a severe conflict. The university and the museum have taken the situation as an opportunity to educate the public to a degree, launching a section on the museum’s web cite that chronicles the displacement of â€Å"Kennewick Man†.Ideological separations between Native American belief structures and scientific initiatives are intrinsic within both sides of the debate. The respectful treatment of human remains is defined through the sciences at this time with little account for the native community and their wishes. The Museum is primarily th e caretaker of the remains adherent to the courts’ ruling, placing the institution in a precarious scenario pitting Native American human rights up against the sciences of anthropology. Some commentators and reporters have described the legal controversy swirling around the Kennewick remains in rather super-heated rhetoric pitting the interests of â€Å"science† against those of traditional Native Americans. This characterization ignores the detailed, intensive, and wide-ranging scientific investigation of the Kennewick remains undertaken to determine the facts relevant to the questions in the case and report them. † -National Parks Service: U. S. Dept. of the Interior 10/13/2008

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Strawberry Dna Extraction and Quantitative Hypothesis Development

We wanted to extract, see and analyze DNA from a single strawberry( 12. 11 g). The long, thick fibers of DNA store the information for the functioning of the chemistry of life. DNA is present in every cell of plants and animals. The DNA found in strawberry cells can be extracted using common, everyday materials. To start the procedure we needed the following supplies; one strawberry, one plastic cup, 10 ml of Cell Lysis Buffer (10% detergent, 1% NaCl), one plastic zip-lock bag, one coffee filter, and 25 ml of ice cold Ethanol.The first step of the process was to obtain the weight of the plastic cup by itself, get a strawberry, remove the stem and leave, put it in the plastic cup and then record the weight of plastic cup with strawberry. The results of this first step was; weight of plastic cup: 9. 63 g, weight of plastic cup and strawberry: 21. 74 g. The following step was to place the strawberry in the zip-lock bag, close it and start smashing the strawberry until it was completely broken up, the strawberry had a smoothie-like look. 0 ml of Cell Lysis Buffer was added to the strawberry and gentle massaged it for about one minute. This buffer, which has detergent in it, is to dissolve the cell and nuclear membranes and salts to break the ionic bonds between the histones and DNA, it separates DNA from strawberry. During this step, my lab partner prepared the coffee filter to filter the solution as determine by our instructor. We pour the cell lysate on the coffee filter and allowed it to go through it, to help it, we used a spoon and gently pushed the substance to get the most liquid out of it without braking the coffee filter.Before the filtration the texture looked solid, but after it looked like strawberry juice. Our instructor added 25 ml of ice cold ethanol to the cup and obtain the DNA. We could observe a solid white, mucus like material forming out of the â€Å"juice†. The excess of liquid was removed from the cup, and the cup and DNA was weighted, resulting of 10. 81 g, which was subtracted from the cup weight, having 1. 18 g as the weight of DNA. After this, we calculated the % of the strawberry that was DNA. We concluded that the DNA from strawberry was 9. 74%

Monday, July 29, 2019

The choice of toy(s) is up to you (except for Barbie). You can analyze Research Paper

The choice of toy(s) is up to you (except for Barbie). You can analyze gender-neutral toys. To what extent, if any, is gender-sp - Research Paper Example These gender norms define what acceptable masculine and feminine behaviors are in a given culture. Likewise the way in which a person becomes a part of society in the form of a male or female is the gender identity. It defines who we really are and becomes an integral part of our inner selves (Ryle, 2011). We may say that the process of gender socialization begins right at the time of our birth, when parents name their kids and we are assigned either a boy or a girl attribute. Then as a child grows he/she begins to understand the distinct specifics of both genders through, for example the surrounding events, interactions, education and entertainment. Family conditions and norms also shape up the gender role. This may include different treatments for siblings of other genders, like a boy may be allowed to go out more often than his sister, and perhaps the sister being scolded less harshly than her brother. The surrounding environment also play a great role, for example the color room, either blue or pink, may define the gender roles for children at an early stage. Then there is a wide variety of gender-specific toys and there preference for kids, like Barbie dolls versus Power Rangers. Gender-specific role is also emphasized in boys and girls through their gatherings and there topic of conversations. Boys often meet and play in larger groups as compared to girls’ preference for small groups and they often exchange information that is completely different. Through these differences we gradually collect information throughout our lives that define distinct gender roles. Hence interaction through the process of gender-socialization is important in defining the gender-specific roles. The above discussion is a brief reflection on what most of the social constructionists believe. They believe that the gender-specific roles are indeed learned through society and experience. They believe that certain behaviors such as ferocity and aggressiveness are more characte ristic of masculine than feminine gender, so boys often prefer to go with toys like cars, guns that fire fake bullets, robots and action figures etc. Conversely feminine gender is more characteristic of beauty, spontaneity, emotionality and like emotions hence they prefer toys like Barbie dolls, kitchen sets etc. However, Deborah Blum argues that the biology does play an important role in defining gender roles and establishing gender role identities. This is discussed in the following part of the paper. It has been experimentally shown that even very little kids respond different to the gender-specific toys. While this might be a great hint that some of the gender differences are biological and in-born, we cannot deny that socialization plays a major role in distinguishing gender roles after the birth. So it is rarely just one thing that accounts for the cumulative effect. We may view it as an interaction of genes with the environment. So to think that gender is entirely dependent o n socialization may be misleading because some of the differences are natural and in-born (Ridley, 2004). How Toys Promote Traditional Gender Roles There are rich and obvious sex differences in children toys and these are same across majority of cultures. Girls are heightened to play with dolls

Sunday, July 28, 2019

2 case studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

2 studies - Case Study Example The commitment of the company is to bring the best user experience to customers through its innovative hardware, software and services. The Company’s business strategy leverages its unique ability to design and develop its own operating systems, hardware, application software and services to provide its customers products and solutions with innovative design, superior ease-of-use and seamless integration. As part of its strategy, the Company continues to expand its platform for the discovery and delivery of third-party digital content and applications through the iTunes Store. The most critical factors that are used are those that are involved in building and expanding the retails of the products such that there is efficiency in distribution of the products. The distribution process is effective to enable competition. Apple Company is involved in designing manufacturing and marketing of mobile communication and media devices. The products of the company include, iPod, Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, Mac software applications, the iOS and OS Operating systems, I Cloud, and a variety of accessory. The company sells its products to education, enterprise, government markets and SBM consumers. The sales are done either directly to consumers through the direct online stores or retailers. The company maximizes the sale of its goods through expanding their own retail stores worldwide. Principal competitive factors important to the Company include price, product features, relative price, performance, product quality and reliability, design innovation, a strong third-party software and accessories ecosystem, marketing and distribution capability, service and support and corporate reputation. Competitors that they face are from other mobile companies such as Samsung. Accounting information that is critical are those on executive compensation, security ownership and principal fees and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Intel Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intel Question - Assignment Example In accordance with Hill et al. (2009) in order for a firm to be considered as having a competitive advantage towards the other firms operating in the same industry it is necessary that ‘its profitability is greater than the average profitability and profit growth of its rivals’ (Hill et al. 6). In the case of Intel, there is no doubt that the firm has achieved to build a competitive advantage in microprocessors – taking into consideration the firm’s position in the particular industry over the years. The factors that helped the firm to build this advantage are related to different parts of the internal and external organizational environment. One of key characteristics of the firm’s strategic policies is flexibility; this characteristic allowed the firm’s managers to develop radical updates of the firm’s practices – without delay, a fact that is considered one of the reasons that led Intel to develop a competitive advantage in mi croprocessors. In the study of Lewis et al. ... Another aspect of the firm’s strategies for achieving a competitive advantage is described in the study of Tallman (2010); the above researcher notes that Intel managed to build a competitive advantage by establishing the center or its activities in Silicon Valley, ‘the worldwide center for the microprocessors industry’ (Tallman 54). In other words, the competitive advantage of the firm has been primarily related to its location. At the next level, it is explained that the firm managed to keep this advantage by establishing manufacturing units in China and India – where the operational costs are extremely low and allow the standardization of the firm’s profitability. Apart from its location, the development by the firm of a competitive advantage seems to be related to other elements/ characteristics of its strategic processes. This issue is highlighted in the study of Argyris (1999); in the specific study emphasis is given on the firm’s abilit y to learn fast – reference is made to the rapid response of the firm towards the ‘technological opportunities that come about’ (Argyris 26). It was in this context that the potentials of the microprocessors industry were early identified by managers in Intel; moreover, measures were taken in order for the firm’s entrance in this market to be developed rapidly – with no delays in replacing the manufacturing technology and techniques used by the firm in the past, i.e. before its involvement in the microprocessors industry. In accordance with the above view, Intel managed to build a competitive advantage not because of the location of its facilities but because of its strategic choices and its ability to

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 169

Assignment Example The supporters and advocates for Affordable health care in their previous sign up efforts, have come to the realization that from the few lessons learnt during the sign up efforts, in which a significant number of individuals previously uninsured managed to buy the cover. From the lessons learnt during the sign up effort, the supporters, and advocates of the Affordable health care plan on implementing the same effort that saw millions of uninsured people get the cover, as a marketing strategy for the next enrolment period, in an urge to increase awareness of the importance of buying the cover. Previously, many people opted for private insurance; however, the approach faced certain technical problems prior to the sign up process (Radnofsky), an aspect that proves the success of the sign up effort. As an aspect of in for the fall, research has shown that indeed, there is an increased focus on in-person help with testimonials from real people, making more emphasis on deadlines as pertai ning to Affordable health care. On the out aspect, getting a health care coverage has become an individualized mandate, which motivates more people into signing up for the cover. Previously the law required that all people should sign up for the cover or risk a penalty when filing their taxes (Radnofsky). The main aspect of study in this particular course is marketing, especially on the role that it plays in making informative approach to potential customers on the benefits of a particular good or service as addressed or provided by an organization against other competitors in the same industry. Based on such a perspective, it is significantly clear that marketing increases the chances of an organization or institution getting access to a bigger market. The article Health-Law Advocates to Tweak ACA Marketing Campaign for the fall, clearly indicates that before the sign up effort by the advocates

Friday, July 26, 2019

GRID (Clustered) SAN computing standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GRID (Clustered) SAN computing standards - Essay Example 2. A storage system which consists of network elements such as storage devices, computer systems, servers, control software (such as server administration and site server) that will communicate over the network. Storage networks are distinguished from other forms of network storage devices simply by their low-level access method they use and is very similar to such network devices as ATA, disk drives and SCSI hardware. Inside a storage network, the server will issue a request for specific blocks of data and this device on the storage network will then send requests across the network. In the clustered GRID infrastructure would be a series of SAN devices that would then integrate as part of the larger network in order to share the storage capabilities inside the GRID. As such, each device would then be added to the larger network that can be used by other networked devices such as a computer workstation. An example of this computing infrastructure, courtesy of Force10, shows how this cluster/GRID computing network is positioned to utilized these storage devices GRID computing is the transformation of a computer infrastructure into an integrated Virtual Organisation that allows for dynamic collaboration and the ability to share resources from anywhere in the world. This sharing provides users with an unprecedented amount of computing power, especially for those in the field of scientific investigation and collaboration in which the needs of the computer power cannot necessarily be handled by one such computer. Through integration inside the GRID of such supercomputers will enable users to access power without the need to purchase larger systems. GRID computing is based on three concepts as outlined by Reddy (2004) "as: Virtualization: severing the hard-coded association of resources to systems Resource Allocation and Management: dynamically allocating resources on demand, and managing them and finally, Provisioning: configuring resources whenever and wherever needed." (Reddy, 2004) Kalzar Amin, Gregor von Laszewski and Armin R. Mikler Kalzar, et al describe the term Grid computing as commonly referred "to a distributed infrastructure that promotes large scale resource sharing in a dynamic institutional "virtual organisation" (VO). A computational Grid forms a closed network of a large number of pooled resources providing standardized, reliable, specialized and pervasive access to high-end computational resources." Typically, in order to establish a computational Grid, several institutions pool their resources such as computational cycles, specialized software, database servers, network bandwidth, and people. As a result of this "pooling" global policies will be set for the virtual organisation which will in an essence identify each of the participating entities' roles and responsibilities, much like in a LAN server networking scenario. Each of the site institution administrators, who are generally trained as network administrators will then enforce these policies at the domain level. The GRID administrators will then provide each of the GRID users their appropriate credentials and through these credentials will the users access

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Insights into Entrepreneurship Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Insights into Entrepreneurship - Research Paper Example The main essence of the modern organizations greatly lies within the specialization of diversified functions. Entrepreneurship is generally understood as the starting up of one’s own business. In accordance with the views presented by economist Joseph Schumpeter, entrepreneurship is essentially the entrepreneur’s initiative and drive for the improvement that results in the change and growth of the farm (Cuervo & et. al., n.d.). Entrepreneur is "a person with leadership, which take risks to exploit certain opportunities, are based more on their forces, develop its strategy based almost entirely by personal interests† (Burdus, 2010). In normal viewpoint, an entrepreneur is a person who creates a business and is ready to endure risk at any point and under any circumstances. They usually are initiative takers and innovative in their approach with an objective to earn profits. Furthermore, it has been ascertained that they are capable of allocating the resources in a u seful manner. Definitions of both entrepreneurship and entrepreneur show their comparisons. Entrepreneurship brings about the origination of primarily a farm or an organization that is created or established by an entrepreneur to continue with trade. Entrepreneurship represents the innovative function. Consequently, entrepreneur is the body that incorporates leadership skills and is capable of taking risks (Gutterman, n.d.). 1.1.2 Start-up Start-up founders are primarily the people who either register a business or simply establish something that might develop into a business. It has been observed that start-up founders are generally the entrepreneurs. The main difference lies between the start-up founders and entrepreneurs is the objective or goal. An entrepreneur commences a start-up business unit with the aim of generating value to stakeholders and shareholders. In order to derive utmost value, ethical and tactical approach of an entrepreneur is of high importance. In case of an entrepreneur of a start-up unit, the motive is constant i.e. financial growth. It has been further observed that failure of any start-up business and the entrepreneur’s fate are very closely related (Tenner, 2013). 1.2 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur Fast growing entrepreneurial organizations are in verge of absorbing candidates who continuously demonstrate the entrepreneur characteristics. It can be well observed that these entrepreneurial characteristics set the base of any organization. The various important characteristics of an entrepreneur have been explained in a detailed manner hereunder (Hadzima, 2005). Ability to Deal with Risk It is considered that an entrepreneur must be compatible enough to operate in an effective manner within the environment that is filled with risk. The entrepreneur becomes liable for building up strategies in order to deal with the any kind of risk and uncertainty. Moreover, an entrepreneur also endures the ability to formulate decisions t hat assist the employees in accomplishing the desired goals (Hadzima, 2005). Result Oriented It has been noted that the entrepreneur takes initiative in order to implement certain strategies for getting the work done by the employees. Furthermore, it has also been analyzed that an entrepr

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discuss the view that increased regulation will not necessarily lead Essay

Discuss the view that increased regulation will not necessarily lead to higher ethical standards - Essay Example According to Milton Friedman, â€Å"There is one and only one responsibility of business- to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game†. Therefore, it clearly says that increased regulations will result in higher ethical standards. However, on the other hand, Albert Camus says that ‘Integrity has no need of rules’ which reflects that it is up to the organization to become more ethical then the regulations. The relationship between regulation and ethical standards is not as easy as it looks. Increasing regulations may or may not lead to increase in ethical standards. If it would have been the case then companies to maintain the conduct of its employees ethically sound would have been competing on number of regulations than their effectiveness. This essay will explore and analyse the view that increased regulation does not lead to increase in the ethical standards. On developing the g eneral argument, this essay will also attempt to develop support from variation in accounting and auditing treatments with level of compliance to financial regulation and ethical standard. ... Concerns regarding the ethical conduct of business have gained increased attention since recent past, when corporate scandals, mainly Enron scandal, were unveiled and it resulted in huge fines, reputational loss and even jail sentences (BBC News, 2002). It proved to be the earthquake in trust of stakeholders on the validity of information presented by firms and increased distrust about the accounting practices worldwide (Enderle, 2004). The question was posed to entire mechanism that remained incapable of indentifying the deceiving accounting practices were given least or no punishments (Enderle, 2004). In the mentioned case, it was desirable to correct the existing regulation with focus to eliminate the flaws. This exercise presumably was expected to have more constructive results. The role of auditors in particular became a question mark after this scandal. Moreover on adoption of the corrective measures, the impact of current financial crises was also expected to have been mitigat ed to some extent (Argandona, 2012).Contrary to this and without taking lessons from Enron case, increased regulations were imposed on businesses. Increased regulation provided more options to business professionals than ever to use various shades to protect businesses - in both fair and unfair ways. As a result, the newer shock in form of economic downturn took high intensity wave and pushed the entire economy to the verge of survival. Ethics appear to be a relative term being adjusted in relation with the domain in which it is being discussed. Here comes the biggest dilemma of ethics. Since there is no separation of boundaries, it gets easier to develop

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Impact of Science Fiction on Historical and Modern Literature Essay

Impact of Science Fiction on Historical and Modern Literature - Essay Example Both genres continue to be popular at the start of the twenty first century, although mainstream and traditional literature is regarded by some as more worthwhile, simply because of its longer and more respected tradition. This paper analyses the impact of Science Fiction on historical and Modern Literature by looking at five writers in the Science Fiction/Fantasy genre. Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) is one of the first and best known writers of science fiction. He was an accomplished writer of novels and stories, notably having invented the character of Tarzan and producing a series of works on this subject. His stories about Mars and Venus opened the eyes of the public to a whole new dimension of story telling, in which brave heroes like the character John Carter venture out into the far reaches of space to meet whatever they find there with curiosity and courage. Some critics see this line of storytelling as a reflection of the early history of America, in which white settlers sought out the distant frontiers and killed the Indians whom they met on the way.1 This may well be true, but it also true that the fictional exploration of space gave Rice Burroughs some insights into the mentality of the frontiersman and he wrote a number of Western themed novels later in life including Apache Devil in 1933 and The Deputy Sherriff of Commanche Country in 1940. In this case it seems, science fiction helped him to imagine historical situations and write engaging stories about confronting the unknown. Lord Dunsany (1878-1957), also known as Edward Plunkett, was a contemporary of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and was born in Ireland. The mythology of Irish fairies and ancient gods and heroes undoubtedly influenced his well-received work The Gods of Pegana (1905). The most striking contribution of Lord Dunsany is his ability to create a whole world of alternative divine beings, describing their history, their function and their fantastic origins in a parallel universe. It is w ritten in a quasi-religious format, like an ancient holy text, and although it is clearly not intended to be followed as a religion, it sparked off a tradition in science fiction for the construction of alternative cosmologies. This freed up later writers to consider the dimension of belief in their work, and allowed many to construct moral codes that are different from the standard Judaeo –Christian models that prevail in Western Society. This work also may have influenced writers such as Tolkein and C.S. Lewis, who combined religious elements with their fantasy worlds, albeit within the Christian tradition. The writer Stephen King (B. 1947) is one of the most prolific and widely read modern authors of fiction. He grew up without his father, who left the family very early, and wrote many novels which have become classics in the horror and science fiction genre including Salem’s Lot (1975), The Shining (1977) Pet Sematary (1983). His fascination with horror means that he is often compared with Gothic horror writers like Edgar Allan Poe and Bram Stoker. His works lend themselves well to film adaptation and through this he has won an even wider audience. One of his main contributions to literary studies is his fearless exploration of the human

Monday, July 22, 2019

Retail Management Essay Example for Free

Retail Management Essay What can an independent retailer learn from this case? An independent retailer can pull several insights from this reading. First and foremost the market is becoming severely competitive which means that independent retailers will have to adapt to the environment. Adaptations such as; benchmarking other retailers, pinpointing customer needs wants, developing a long-term strategy for adaptation are to be made. It is imperative that retailers find ways to draw-in and maintain customers by changing with the market. Soft line specialty stores have found that the recent economic downturn has hurt the industry and in turn created intense competition for retailers to find new ways to get more sales from existing customers. Some good ideas for retailers to consider after reading this case are, repositioning old images, continuing to target the youth market, and creating a life cycle of retailing whereas, when a customer outgrows a particular brand, you have another brand for the consumer to grow into. There are also many ways that our ever-advancing technology can be incorporated into retailing to aid companies in increasing revenues.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) Essay Example for Free

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) Essay The HIPAA is divided into two sections. Section one seeks to protect the right to continued health insurance cover for employees and their family members in the event of losing their job or shifting to another job (U. S. Department of Labor, 2010). This section also dictates limitations to group health plan benefits, which can be provided to preexisting condition to between 12 and 18 months after enrollment into the plan. However, the act does not impose such restrictions to long term plans provided separately from general health plan. This enables employees and their families to have insurance cover even after losing employment. The other crucial provision of the HIPAA is on patient information privacy (National Institute of Health, 2007). In a move to simplify and improve the efficiency of the use and transfer of health information, the act dictates for the development of rules setting standards for such operations within the health care system. The section also defines various programs for mitigating fraud activities or abuse of power in the system. On privacy, the act gives provisions for the use of disclosure of protected health care information of a patient (National Institute of Health, 2007). This is quite crucial in protecting the right to privacy and confidentiality by a patient. HIPAA also sets new transaction and code sets rule, which defines the standards for health care institutions to file their electronic claims for compensation. In addition, the act has established a security rule, which dictates new safeguard in dealing with electronic protected health information (U. S. Department of Health Human services, 2003). To ensure effectiveness as well as flexibility of the security rule, it defines both required and addressable specifications for implementing the rule; with the latter being more flexible. Therefore, the HIPAA protects employee health insurance cover after loss of change of job and safeguards protected health information use and disclosure.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Movie Analysis Of Braveheart Film Studies Essay

Movie Analysis Of Braveheart Film Studies Essay Some movies have big war scenes with huge musical scores to reflect the big action. One of these film is Braveheart. William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson, is the central character and hero of the movie. He is the motivator of men. He is a leader of men. He rallies his Scottish countrymen to his belief that the English had to be fought and Scotland had to be independent. This film has some huge battle scenes of men fighting hand to hand combat. These scenes are so realistic and dramatic for me to observe to give me a feel of this era of history when war was fought man-to-man. William Wallace is a courageous and heroic figure in this film. He is the one who believes in an independent Scotland and desires to remain free from the English influences from the south. He wants the Scottish to retain their own ways, their own beliefs, and their own cultural traditions separate from the English as long as possible. This movie was suspenseful, dramatic, and entertaining for me from start to fi nish because of my respect for the central character and hero, William Wallace, as well as the great musical score to reflect the themes, characters, and plot lines more powerfully. The music for this film is essentially designed to reflect the characters and the plot line. The long warring history of England and Scotland is an important part of the background story to this film. Some of the subtitle text provides insights into this era of time and the background of the relationship between the two peoples and the two kingdoms. The Scottish and English have never really been at peace with each other over the political authority over the territories that comprise Scotland. Even today, there could be debates and disputes found in the pubs in Scotland and England over exactly what the nature of their past relationship is and how it affects their current political relationship. This film provides a living history lesson to that past time period when the Scottish and English warriors fought it out over respect, integrity, and the willingness to lay everything on the line for freedom, independence, and separation from each other. The musical score reflects these theme s as the heroic music is felt when Wallace and the Scots are doing their thing, and the tension and oppression of the English is felt when they are present and especially when they are winning the battles. The Scottish spirit and temperament of this older time period is clearly represented in the films hero, William Wallace. The music attempts to amplify and magnify his heroic qualities. He is played by famous action hero actor, Mel Gibson, who provides this character with relentless, courageous energy and emotion from start to finish. William Wallace is able to lead his Scottish men into battle with exceptional courage and leadership capabilities. Wallace knows how to give his warriors a serious motivational speech before these battles where the Scottish usually are underdog and at much lower odds to win against the usually superior English in regards to military manpower and military weaponry. Wallace is always fighting undermanned and with less weaponry than his English opponents. Yet, at the same instant, Wallace is fighting with his men for higher, spiritual causes and reasons that put their English opponents often at the actual disadvantage. This motivation and spiritual upliftin g energy personified in this central character, William Wallace, is the driving force behind the films plot and battle scenes. The musical flourishes are always important. The music dominates the action. The music is suppose to make us in the audience feel the action. Wallace makes his men and himself believe that they are capable of taking on any opponents force of any size and greatness and defeating that opponent because of their brave hearts. Thus, the music indeed reflects the central theme in this film about English-Scottish history and their long legacy of fighting and warfare that the men with the braver hearts usually won over the men with the better weapons and greater numbers. Because the combat was face-to-face, hand-to-hand, the men with the braver hearts would ultimately achieve victory. The heroic traits of these men are clearly reflected in the intense musical score. William Wallace was aware of thus all important factor of the brave heart when motivating his warriors to fight it out with a more powerful foe. Wallace understands that the brave hearted men in his Scottish forces are going to out fight and out last the English soldiers and warriors as the battles drag on. Wallace knows this is a war that has to be won on the spiritual level first and foremost to be able to achieve victory on the battlefields. This is war that needs to be taken to the next level spiritually and idealistically so Wallace can motiv ate his Scottish men to believe in themselves no matter how bad it gets and now matter how close defeat approaches. This is a war that William Wallace believes that the Scottish have to will themselves to victory through their brave hearts. Thus, the musical score in this film was very important for understanding the central character, William Wallace, and his range of emotions from high to low, from good to bad, and how he was always trying to bring out the best in his men. He is able to be the person who can really be a hero and the musical score was able to reflect these heroic qualities, especially the music during the battle scenes. Film No. 2 Babel The music is exotic in this film because of the fact that the central characters in this film are in four different places and settings simultaneously. One of the central characters is Richard. He is the wealthy white American man who has taken his wife to Morocco to save their marriage. Another central character is Richards nanny, Amelia, who is charge of the two children back in San Diego. A third central character is Chieko in Tokyo, Japan whose father is the one who originally gave the hunting rifle to a hunting guide during a Morocco hunting trip in the past. A fourth set of central characters are the two brothers, Ahmed and Yussuf, who are sons of a goat herder in charge of the goats and shooting jackals with the gun their father Abdulla purchased from Hassan the hunting guide for a good price. These central characters are all in motion at four different places and settings simultaneously. The director does an excellent job in painting the musical score the right way for this p lot line, the character development, and the overall mood of the film. The Morocco setting to start the film offers some traditional music from this region that really does bring an exotic mood to the opening. The two young brothers, Ahmed and Yussuf, are really doing what kids do when given the responsibility of a loaded gun. These young brothers begin daring each other to try shooting things with it besides the intended jackals as their father desired. The two brothers begin shooting at targets to test the gun. Ahmed then turns and shoots at a passing car down on the mountain road. Yussuf, who is a much better shot, takes the gun and shoots at a tour bus coming down the same mountain road in the distance. The boys dont think nothing happened at first, but then the bus slows to a stop. The boys take off running as fast as they can and become worried sick about the accident. They know that someone was probably injured or killed by the gun shot fired by Yussuf who had a good aim too. And they hide the information from their father Abdulla at first becaus e of the great fear of getting caught. This secret becomes even more significant when Abdulla at dinner reveals that an American tourist had been shot on a tour bus in their area. This is something that strikes great fear in the hearts of these two young brothers. In turn, they want to make sure they dont get caught for it. These decisions are typical of two young brothers who look out for each others back. Yet, when the police investigator comes up the driveway when their father is not around, the boys lie about the location to buy more time for themselves and to permit them the opportunity to tell their father. This tell-all to the father becomes a bad time for the brothers as they fight, turn on each other, and become bitterly mad at each other. The father fears their safety and decides to flee with them and the rifle. The music in the sequence featuring the father and two brothers is very moody and exotic in quality because they are mountain dwellers who live very simple lives. Yet, they are suddenly wrapped up in this awful tragedy. The traumatic sequence in the film featuring Richard is something that is suspenseful, tense, and tragic in tone and implication because of the musical score accompanying his presence in the story line. The continuous fear in him that his wife will die from the gun shot wound to her neck without any proper medical aid on this village mountain top in Morocco. Richards character goes through so many different kinds of emotions during his ordeal waiting for the medical helicopter. He has to forge trusting relations with Moroccan villagers, including the village healer, as well as relationships with his fellow bus passengers for a time period to try to get them to see his predicament and his tragedy from his shoes. Richard is a master at getting people to feel like he does and have empathy for his position in this ordeal. The character of Richard teaches us in the film audience the terrifying situation of being face to face with a tragic loss of a loved one. At many points, Richards wife seems ready to die. This constant on the edge of his seat about her death makes him reflect on many things in his life. He becomes a different kind of man than he was before this shooting incident occurred. The music is tense, moody, and changing all the time during this back and forth situation with Richard and his injured wife. The villagers are trying to help them but they dont have the medical technology necessary to save her. The music becomes sorrowful as Richard faces the reality of her impending death coming soon. The central character of Amelia, Richards hired nanny, is another intriguing person for us in the film audience in relation to music and her character development because of her risks and boldness of personality to take Richards children without his permission to her sons wedding in Mexico. She will not miss her sons wedding no matter what she has to do. These white children are very reluctant to go to Mexico. They are socialized to fear Mexicans and Mexico itself. However, in the sequences of the wedding and wedding celebration, these two white children become happier and more relaxed the more fun they start having with the Mexican children their same age. The music in this sequence of the film is very important and it reflects the good time everyone is having. This is probably the most important musical section in the film. Film No. 3 The Color Purple In watching this film, The Color Purple, my awareness and knowledge of the struggle of the African American people in the Deep South earlier this century was increased significantly. This films sets, background scenery, music, and characters were all arranged to bring the most dramatic effect on us in the audience. The excellent performance of the actors and actresses was critical to understanding the plot and action, but the musical score provides the emotions and pain felt by these characters. The protagonist, Celie, is a poor woman with little education who at age fourteen is sexually abused and impregnated by her own father, Alphonso. After she is moved out of her family home, she is forced to marry this widower with several children. This husband is called Mister throughout the play. Celie has to deal with physical abuse from him as well. This play is about Celies development from a naà ¯ve, uneducated woman to a courageous, individual woman who stands up for herself. This musical score in the early part of the film is a tragic one which gives us a feeling about Celies character. She is facing such awful things and her life is affected by it. The music becomes stronger as Celie learns to stand up for herself and become a stronger person because of two strong women, Sofia and Shug Avery. These two women prove to Celie that she as a woman must sometimes stand up for herself. For example, in one scene, Sofia, who is Harpos wife, is fighting back with Harpo. This display of courage and strength by Sofia impresses Celie. In another scene, Shug demonstrates her courage to speak her mind and convey to Celie that a woman can be an independent, fearless creature when wanting to be. In this film, Celie learns from Sofia and Shug how to be an adult woman. Sofia provides the toughness and courage displays against her husband Harpo that impress Celie and make her recognize her need to be more like her. Shug ends up becoming Celies lover who shows her the joys and pleasures of enjoyable sex between two women which is the opposite kind of sex from what she gets from her husband called Mister. Shug is actually Misters mistress who comes to live in the household because of poor health. Even though at first Shug is very mean and aggressive towards Celie, the two women began to have a sexual attraction for one another. Furthermore, Shug remains in the household to help protect Celie from Misters physical abuse. This friendship blossoms into a love relationship which is a central part of the whole play. Celie and Shug are doing the unthinkable for two women living in the same household supposedly both lovers of Mister. These two women are having a lesbian love affair right under the nose of Mister. The musical score during their sexual moments and love moments is very important in the development of Celies character as she learns to really care about someone else, Shug. This is a dramatic part of the play because of the forbidden nature of it. I thought the performances of the two actresses for this key scene in the film when the friendship turns into a love affair was excellent. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was going on. Yet, in a sense, this is what a great film is all about and the music fit the scene perfectly. Celie and Shug have crossed a forbidden line in Misters household. He has no conception that these two women would be doing this behind his back. He doesnt have a clue but us in the audience know exactly what is going on. Music plays an important part in this film in developing the realtionships among the characters. One of the more important relationships for Celie that doesnt emerge until the end of the play is with her sister Nettie. Celie has long thought that Nettie may be dead since she never received any letters from her. Celie is introduced to lost letters from Nettie to find out that her sister isnt dead but has traveled to Africa with some missionaries and returned. This discovery empowers Celie to think that her sister was alive the whole time. The musical interludes are very important to show the hopeful mood of Celie. The empowerment from getting to know herself also has something to do with her confronting her abusive husband and telling him off for the years of abuse she endured. At the end of the film, Celie feels her empowerment and independence as a woman. She has the courage to move to Tennessee with Shug Avery and another woman to begin a profitable business sewing tailored pants. Upon her return to Georgia, she has inherited a lot of land from her stepfather and her husband, Mister, has reformed his ways. In the very end, everything comes to right order and Nettie and Celie are reunited. The music plays out in a happy manner and the film brings these two sisters back together in a happy reunion. This is an interesting film experience for me because it makes me understand the hardships and struggle of the poor black women of the earlier part of this century in the Deep South. Celie, the protagonist, was an interesting character who had to endure so much pain and so man problems in her life as an African American woman. Although she finds her own identity and empowers herself through her following the two role models of Sofia and Shug, the pain is evident in most of her situations. The musical score was very important for her character development.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

History of the Navajo People Essay -- Native American Indian Tribe

History of the Navajo People The people who were going to become the Navajo tribe settled in what would be the mountains of New Mexico in or around the 1600's. Prior to that time the area was the home of the Anasazi (The Ancient Ones.) The Anasazi had lived there for approximately 1200 years but, for unexplained reasons, they abandoned their highly developed dwellings and moved westward and southward. A new group of people, the Athapascans, migrated from what are now Canada, Alaska, and the American Northwest southward to settle in the Southwest of America. Some of this group of Southern Athapascans settled the mountainous region of New Mexico and came to be known as the Navajos, or as they prefer to be called, Dine (the People.) Other Athapascans continued moving southward and settled in Arizona where they became known as the Apache Tribe. In the 1600's the Spanish began to intrude on the Pueblo Indians of Arizona; the hostility thus gradually spread northward to involve the Navajos. In 1680 the Pueblos revolted against these European invaders and succeeded in temporarily stopping their suppression. At this time many Pueblos moved northward to join Navajo settlements. The Navajo then began to adopt the Pueblo agricultural, sheep raising and weaving methods that are still evident today. The Navajo adapted well to the new farming methods but continued their warlike behavior of raiding Spanish settlements as well as those of their Hopi, Pueblo and Zuni neighbors. A major defeat for the Navajos occurred in Canyon de Muertes in 1804 when a group of Navajos confronted a party of Spanish horsemen. The Indians were trapped on a ledge of the canyon with Spanish soldiers armed with rifles above and below them; all but one of the Navajo were killed. In 1848, after the Mexican War, the U.S. began to send troops and settlers into the area of New Mexico. As happened with so many of the tribes throughout the U.S., the government and white settlers eventually confiscated the Navajo's land. During the 1850's and 1860's the U.S. Army built Fort Defiance within the heart of the Navajo land. The horses, mules and cattle raised by the whites competed with the Indians' sheep for scarce grazing lands. When the Navajo complained of this, the commandant of the fort sent soldiers who slaughtered large numbers of the Indians' livestock. In response to this complaint... ... Navajo reservation, woven baskets gave way to ceramic and metal containers, and basket weaving fell into steep decline. Peach baskets have become virtually extinct, and pitch covered and ceremonial baskets were becoming increasingly rare. The Navajo had beautiful silver things too. One such thing is a silver bird pendant. Clothing for both men and women initially was deerskin for shirts and skirts. The men later wore cotton or velvet shirts with no collars, breeches below the knee, and moccasins. Women gradually wore the "squaw dress", made of plain dark blankets. A Navaho house is called a Hogan and is made of logs, brush, and earth. Summerhouses are also utilized and made of brush with a windbreak. They also grew corn as their main food source. They called it maize. Corn was an essential part of the Navajo nation. For many years farming has been a large part of the Navajo way of life. It was used to supply food. It also had many ceremonies that went along with it. In conclusion, the history of the Navajo, the culture of the Navajo, and the art and tradition of these people has been discussed. The Navajo were one of the greatest tribes of the Southwest.

Friday, July 19, 2019

We Learn By Doing :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays

We Learn By Doing An old Chinese proverb states: Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand. In three short statements this proverb represents my outlook on education. Over-all my philosophy could be described as eclectic; nonetheless, the main emphasis I plan to make stems from progressivism. I also plan to incorporate behaviorism into my teachings and I will maintain an open mind throughout my teaching career in order to adapt to the needs of my pupils. Furthermore, I will increase my professional status by continuing my education and by becoming involved in established associations. I’ve made my athletic career by imitating the elite that have come before me, and then refining my technique to better meet my needs. I intended to do this in my teaching career as well by modeling John Dewey’s ideas of how people learn. Dewey thought that people were more apt to learn if they were involved in the activity. â€Å"Book learning,† as he referred to it, â€Å"is no substitute for actually doing things.† The origin of my opinion stems from my early and middle childhood. I never wanted to take my parents word that I should not do something, and I always had find out the â€Å"hard way† by experiencing the situation for myself before I learned not to do it. Another root in progressivism that I have is throughout my schooling is that I have noticed that my peers and I excelled better in the classes in which we participated in activities rather than listened to lectures and did book-work assignments. I also believe that i nteractive assignments are the foundation of a good Physical Education Program. Young children and even teenagers have a hard time grasping the concepts of biomechanics, so rather than lecturing on the proper motions of throwing a ball it is much more effective to have the students participate in activities that shows them the effective and non-effective ways to complete a task or skill. My classroom philosophy also contains elements from behaviorism. I believe rewarding and positive reinforcement is the best way to get the results one desires from his/her students.

Personal Narrative- Meeting God through Strangers :: Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative- Meeting God through Strangers Meeting strangers can often times be awkward, but there are other moments when, if given, a stranger can transform your life. The time frame was approximately six years ago and I was working as a photographer for Sears Portrait Studio. As the photographer, I was always meeting new and interesting people. My job was fairly predictable in that we primarily photographed children; except for one day when that would all change. I was working at the front counter when an older couple approached. Their disposition was gentle and soft. They wanted to know if we were photographing that particular day. I said, "Indeed, we were." I might mention that this couple was so polite in asking that I was a bit caught off guard. I told them we could get them in immediately if they were ready. The lady mentioned that all she needed to do was add a touch of lipstick, fix her husband's tie, and they could be ready. The wife made sure to explain that the portraits would be for their 35th wedding anniversary. They both followed me in to the sitting room as I began to take a few poses. After doing so, I started to notice something peculiar about the couple. I was not a Christian at that time, so all I really noticed is that they weren't like everyone else I encountered. I was in a difficult relationship myself, and after seeing their interaction with one another, it spurred me to ask them a question. I said, "I don't mean to pry, but I was noticing something about you both that seems unique; I was curious what makes your relationship work?" The woman paused for a moment and pondered my question. After a moment she replied with sheer confidence, "God." He was what made their relationship work. I took a few steps back. This was not the answer I was expecting. We continued with the sitting and I met them out front to finish up the sale. I told them that "it was nice to meet both of them and I appreciated their advice." But, before I got that full sentence out, the lady reached out and embraced me. I knew at that moment, God had a hold of me and that he was using this couple as a vehicle to my salvation. These "strangers" are my family today.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Endicott College Essay

Even before the end of the academic year, high school students are excited to choose universities and campuses where they want to continue their tertiary education. There are many reputable colleges and universities out there, but among those which stand out is the Endicott College. Background/History In 1939, just before World War II and towards the end of the Depression, a couple considered starting a college that would cater to educate women so that they could have access to greater independence and would be given the chance for an enhanced position in the workforce. Although this idea was considered radical during the time, the husband-and-wife team of Dr. Elanor Tupper and Dr. George O. Bierkoe made their vision a reality (Endicott College, 2009). The Commonwealth of Massachusetts handed the first charter to the College in 1939. Five years later, the Commonwealth approved the granting of degrees in Associate in Arts and Associate of Science. And in 1952, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges recognized Endicott (Endicott College, 2009). The first batch of students at Endicott College was consisted of only 20 students, who graduated in 1941. In the present, Endicott College accommodates more than 1,700 undergraduate students, 100 students in Mexico and Madrid, and 600 other students in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. This only shows how the number of students at Endicott has grown over the years. In addition, Endicott has also made changes in the curriculum for its students to better suit the need of the students. The curriculum now includes developments in world trade and technology (Endicott College, 2009). As such, Endicott now offers a range of choices for the students. These are Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Fine arts degrees. In 1996, Endicott added Master in Education. Moreover, the college now offers Elementary Education, Montessori Education, Arts and Learning, Reading and Literacy, Special Needs, Integrative Education, Training and Organizational Management in Hospitality, and Organizational Management. In 2001, Master of Business Administration was added into the curriculum. Endicott makes sure that it offers its students a wide range of choices that can provide them with a degree and experience that can help them in making future decisions. The enriching programs at Endicott have attracted students and adult learners (Endicott College, 2009). Aside from the growing number of students and the number of degrees offered, the Endicott campus has also grown to accommodate students and new buildings. The 200-acre campus in Massachusetts include classrooms and living quarters, athletic facilities, activity centers, conference centers, and state of the art technology (Endicott College, 2009). Endicott desires to â€Å"instill in students an understanding of and appreciation for professional and liberal studies. † In line with this, the College wants students to recognize the importance of â€Å"learning by doing†; this serves as Endicott’s hallmark and philosophy. Its students are known for integrating theory and practice in studies. Also, the College is known for the practice of connecting experience from within classrooms and off campus through internships. Furthermore, Endicott envisions its students to become appreciative of the College’s cultural diversity, community service, ethical and moral values, and international awareness. Endicott also exerts efforts to maintain the positive changes that students exhibit from studying in the College. These are self-confidence, lives that are open to change, technological competencies and stronger professional skills (Endicott College, 2009). Cost Students at Endicott are categorized as full-time or part-time. Full-time students are those enrolled for twelve hours or more of credit every semester. Part-time status applies to students who are enrolled for eleven hours of credit. Only full-time students pay $500 as continuation deposit by the 1st of May. Other costs include; $50 for the processing of a student’s application; $760 for student health insurance annually, which is mandatory; $200 for graduation fee, which includes the preparation of diploma, yearbook, cap and gown, etc. For each year, the students pay $18,752 for tuition for new students while returning students pay $17,748. Housing may range from $6,520 to $1,500 annually. Endicott also offers board plan options consisting of premium, standard, partial, and minimum meal plans ranging from $2,936 to $1,630. Tuition bills are to be paid as instructed so that students can take examinations and attend classes. Other bills can be paid before graduation. Aside from these fees, there are also other fees such as $50 late fee, $150 for general curricular, and $190 technology fee which are paid every semester. Other charges include parking, campus learning program, laptop program fee, and nursing clinical fee (Endicott College, 2004). In 2005, the College spearheaded a campaign wishing to increase endowment so that Endicott can provide more scholarships, faculty development and student aids. The approximate endowment reached up to $14 million (Endicott College, 2005). To equate theory with practice, the College offers programs and activities for its students. The Campus Activities Board (CAB) functions to provide students with cultural, social and educational programming. Students are offered with many opportunities to join concerts, dances, talent nights, lectures, bus trips, movie programs, and cultural events. The College has also many facilities for students, including the 20 residential facilities for 88 percent of students living on campus (Endicott College, 2004). There is also the Richard and Helen Post Center Sports Facility that has labs, offices, training rooms, weight and aerobic rooms, locker rooms, a gymnasium and a field house (Endicott College, 2009). Other facilities at Endicott include meeting rooms, three beaches, theater, and auditoriums. The number of meeting and event rooms available is 40. Endicott’s Callahan Center houses health services, a copy center, dining facilities, bookstore, snack bar, Solarium, and mail services (Endicott College, 2004). References Endicott College. (2004). Discover Experience.Retrieved February 18, 2009, from http://www. endicott. edu/servlet/com. rnci. products. DataModules. RetrieveAttachment/catalog0405/? server=endicottpub&dbname=endicott&site=endicott&sction=attachmentsacademics&article=1&filename=catalog0405. pdf Endicott College. (2005). The campaign for Endicott College: Meeting the challenge. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from http://www. endicott. edu/servlet/RetrievePage? site=endicott&page=InstAdvAnnouncements Endicott College. (2009). Admission. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from http://www. endicott. edu/servlet/RetrievePage? site=endicott&page=AdmissHistory

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gambling Research Essay

manoeuvre refers to the bestow of any support where there is money, or several(prenominal)thing of value at stake. thither atomic bod 18 nigh(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) opposite forms of romp including clam races, crapperteries, gaming philander casinos, hit cards, stock market betting, and up to now much than(prenominal) new-madely internet turn. Although these games argon meant for unpaid use, the thrill of drama earns some good deal to sustain so abstruse in it that they work dependent on sport. The do of dramatic tender low escort author damage psychologic aloney, be precise unwholesome to ones affectionate emotional state and deal in addition beget many an(prenominal) animal(prenominal) damages. looseness dependance and diseased drama is non always seen as parlous as other dependences corresponding substance abuse yet it can in f stand for be a very damaging colony to many aspects of feel and should be considered a study wellness paradox.Not everyone who gambles has a gambol dependance or however has the aptitude of being addicted to manoeuvre. The majority of populate who gamble do not kick in an dependency and simply do it for recreational purposes. But there is a dispirited percentage of flock who gamble who atomic number 18 considered business risk takers or pathologic gamblers. pathological gamblers is described as, morbid drama is characterized by chronic and irresistible impulses to gamble, with consequent free rein compromises and disruptions to family, personal and vocational pursuits. (Coman, Burrows & Evans, 1997)This addiction bring forths the gambler to gamble very frequently, often propagation they forget begin to retain hulkyr and commodiousger bets and receiving feelings of anxiety or scotch crisis when they be not looseness. Pathological playing period can also include sport to recover losses from previous fun episodes, lying to family membe rs to try and hide their habits, committing crook acts to obtain money for shimmer and relying on others to provide money to relieve them from their monetary situation. This is a very life-threatening addiction and should be considered a major wellness problem because it can detrimentall(a)y propel many serious aspects of an individuals life.There atomic number 18 many different influences and gateways that can address to play and til now a drama addiction. Although things like scratch cards may not attend like much of a little terror to decorous an addiction, they can intrigue the pattern of winning money purely by chance which is a dangerous wit to befuddle. Another means that can lead to a gambling addiction is the attach amidst the proximity from the casino and gambling participation. Living close to a casino causes much more than availability and can add to the possibility of gaining an addiction, additional gambling opportunities due to the presence of a casino increase the prevalence of gambling- connect problems for mint who confront close to a casino, as compargond with state who live far from one.(Sevigny, Ladouceur, Jacques & Cantinotti, 2008)People who live juxtaposed to the casino be much more seeming to serious drop by and play a few hold rather than people who live far and bear to make an evening of it. handiness can consent a life-sized shock absorber on gaining an addiction to gambling. Also, the recent fashionableity of poker has a huge impact on the view of gambling for younger people. Poker has become very popular in our society today and is televised instead frequently showing these players not notwithstanding making a living from this game of chance, simply becoming millionaires. Some of these players are seen as celebrities who can cause some younger audiences to odour up to them and strain to be like them. These aspects do not directly lead to a gambling problem but they can by all odds help l ead to one. Technology has become a large contributory chemical element to problem gambling. As stated earlier, availableness can open a large impact on gaining an addiction to gambling and the technology of internet has brought accessibility of gambling to a whole new level. frolic over the internet should be a major concern because the increase in gambling opportunities gives the potential for an increase in problem gamblers. Research evidence in other countries has clearly shown that where accessibility of gambling is increased there is an increase not moreover in the number of lawful gamblers but also an increase in the number of problem gamblers. (Griffiths, 1999)Internet gambling websites has dramatically increased this accessibility which will in turn increase the number of people gambling. Not everyone is pliable to becoming a problem gambler, but the more people gambling, the more people who defend the chance of becoming addicted. The popularity of internet gambling is on the rise with its easy accessibility and quickness. This popularity itself cannot lead to a gambling addiction but a number of the more popular poker players on television system often promote different gambling websites where anyone of any age can play poker online. The websites allow soul to play in tournaments, play with friends and play with duck money or even actually money. They are very appealing to people of all ages and easily accessible all the measure which makes them a threat to alter to problem gamblers and youth gambling. When individual suffers from problem gambling, it is not only that individual that is abnormal but their family, friends and community as well.There can be some haughty aspects of gambling in terms of the social do of gambling. Gambling can be seen as a recreation, a buy the farm from their problems of everyday life and a skilful night out. Yet these affirmatoryly charged effects only exist if gambling is do in moderation. forme rly gambling becomes a habit and a necessity is where the disconfirming impacts arrive. Often, its those close to the pathological gambler that suffer the more or less. Constant gambling takes time away from family, friends and other activities. If gambling becomes a problem, it can cause loss of effrontery between individuals and family members which can lead to family related problems and even divorce. Generally, the social problems begin with acquire of money to support their addiction. At this point, many friends and family may lose touch with the gambler. universe distanced from those who are closest can cause desperation which may lead to crook activity. Pathological gambling can become so severe that they can recur to criminal activity in a last effort to support their pecuniary needs. People are more seeming to commit crime without persuasion of the consequences when they are in a desperation expectation which is what can happen after a big loss due to gambling. Sup porters for the cattle ranch of legalized gambling make claims about economic growth and more jobs but opponents have a strong case saying, discordant forms of street crimes, such as robberies and railway car thefts, come with gambling, as well as problems with connections to organized crime The majority of Wisconsin problem gamblers in treatment that were interviewed in Thompson et al. (1999) admitted to crimes as a result of their gambling activity, earlier property crimes. (Gazel, Rickman & Thompson, 2001)Pathological gamblers reach a point where there are no options left so they have to bushel to illegal means to support themselves displaying the validity and control that a gambling addiction can have.Having a gambling addiction does not just affect someone economically or socially but it can deeply affect them mentally. Once a pathological gambler is rarify money, they will make bets to try and as certain(prenominal) that money that they have lost. Instead of case thei r losses, they get deeper into debt, preoccupying themselves with gambling, determined to win big to repay their loans and solve all their problems (Griffiths, 2001). A very dangerous way of sentiment is the what if I win mentality. This way of thinking is especially dangerous because then they are more given over to make larger bets with money they may not have to lose so they can make bigger rewards. A large factor for whether someone develops this addiction has a lot to do with their personality.The type of personality someone has can have on whether or not someone develops a gambling addiction or not. Gambling is characterized by an unrealistic optimism by the gambler (Griffiths, 2001). For the most part people believe that optimism is a good way to live life by always seeing the positive things instead of dwelling on the negatives. Optimists are known to be less likely to suffer from depression symptoms following a stressful event and seem to have more psychological benefit s when compared to pessimists.Although in terms of gambling, optimism can be counterproductive, Optimists may be especially susceptible to maintaining illusory gambling expectations. Because of their generalized expectations for success, optimists may approach gambling with the belief that they can win. (Gibson & Sanbonmatsu, 2004) Optimists may also have a tendency to look at the positive aspects in a situation which may prolong their gambling thinking that they will win it all back. Also, people who are risk takers are more prone to gambling addiction than someone who is more conservative. Not everyone is susceptible to becoming a pathological gambler and a great deal of the division has to do with their personality type and how they look at different negative situations.Having a gambling addiction not only affects ones social life but it can have a great impact on your point and even cause somatogenic difficulties. Pathological gamblers often suffer from stress-related disorde rs such as depression, insomnia, intestinal disorders and migraines. wellness problems do not only occur from the gambling itself but a significant amount of people suffer problems from the insularity, Rosenthal and Lesieur (1992) found that at to the lowest degree 65 percent of pathological gamblers report at least one physical side-effect during withdrawal including insomnia, headaches, upset stomach, loss of appetite, physical weakness, heart racing, muscle aches, breathing difficultness and/or chills. (Griffiths, 2001)It was also found that pathological gamblers experienced more physical withdrawal effects when attempting to stop than substance abusers who are attempting to quit. This is quite astonishing and again proves wherefore gambling addiction is a very serious matter and should be considered just as much of a health problem as addiction to alcohol or other substances. Pathological gambling can cause great psychological damage and can cause people to do irrational th ings after a big loss which can sometimes even lead to suicide. Pathological gambling and suicide have been known to have a link to each other. self-destructive attempts among pathological gamblers are much more frequent than among the general public.The American psychiatrical Association did a study that with these results, Of individuals in treatment for Pathological Gambling, 20% are reported to have attempted suicide, (American psychiatrical Association (APA)) (Penfold, Hatcher, Sullivan & Collins, 2006) For many gamblers, coping with the negative emotions relating to their issues in their life can be overwhelming. Feelings of shame, hopelessness and failure may be hard to bear which sometimes makes suicide seem like the best stem for their problems. The damage to the mental aspects is one of the reasons that make pathological gambling so dangerous. The act of gambling and casinos is a very disputed topic.There are some positive aspects to the casino and gambling that inclu de a source of jobs and economic development. Gambling is meant to be for recreational use on critical point but it can also be very dangerous. Certain people with certain personality types and lifestyles may be prone to becoming a pathological gambler. The effects of pathological gambling can cause a lot of harm psychologically, terminate someones social and family life, cause physical damage to themselves which can even lead to their death. Gambling addiction may not be seen as dangerous or likely to happen as other addictions but the results from being a pathological gambler can be just as harmful as other addictions and should be considered just as much as a serious health issue as everything else.ReferencesGriffiths, M. (1999). Gambling Technologies Prospects for worry Gambling. Journal of GamblingStudies, vol.15, no.3, p.265-283.Griffiths, M. (2001). Gambling An Emerging Area of Concern for Health Psychologists. Journal ofpsychological science, vol.6, no.5, p.477-479.Gibson , B., & Sanbonmatsu, D. (2004). Optimism, Pessimism, and Gambling The Downside of Optimism.Personality and kindly Psychology Bulletin, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 149-160.Coman, J., Burrows, G., & Evans, B. (1997). Stress and trouble as Factors in the Onset of Problem Gambling Implications for Treatment. Stress Medicine, Vol.13, no.4, p.235-244.Sevigny, S., Ladouceur, R., Jacques, C., & Cantinotti, M. (2008). Links between gambling casino Proximity andGambling fall inicipation, Expenditure, and Pathology. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, vol.22, no.2, p.295-301.Penfold, A., Hatcher, S., Sullivan, S., & Collins, N. (2006) Gambling Problems and Attempted Suicide. Part1. High Prevalence amongst Hospital Admissions. international Journal of Mental Health andAddiction, vol.4, no.3, p.265-272.Gazel, R., Rickman, D., & Thompson, W. (2001) Casino Gambling and Crime a table Study of WisconsinCounties. Managerial and Decision Economics, vol.22, no.1-3, p.65-75.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Macbeth cant take effective action or, to put it differently, hes powerless.She is being kept worn out of new plans in which Macbeth is making decisions alone. Firstly, Lady Macbeth appears in Act 1 Scene 5. She is in her and Macbeth’s castle. She receives a letter from Macbeth logical and reads it.Macbeth isnt the only character who wants encouragement.â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou promised† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) We can see that Lady lady Macbeth is scared as she says that Macbeth is too kind and loyal to murder to become King. â€Å"Is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.† (Act 1 whole Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) Also, she talks about Macbeths strong sense of honour and how he’s logical not the type of man to lie or cheat. â€Å"Thou wouldst thou holily ; wouldst not play false.

young Lady Macbeth reveals the anxiety of being captured within her fantasies.â€Å"Hie thee hither that I may pour my high spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue† (Act1 Scene5 Lady Macbeth). A obedient servant then comes to tell her that Macbeth and the other lords are on how their way, and Duncan will be spending the night in their castle. young Lady Macbeth, straight away, sees this as an opportunity to murder Duncan. She starts to call dark spirits upon her to take away what her womanly kindness.For Macbeth, it becomes excessively simpler.â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady lady Macbeth – Macbeth). She then tells Macbeth her plan to kill Duncan. part She tells Macbeth she will do all the planning.

Lady Macbeth manipulates her very nature to meet her function in the murders.All the lords, Macbeth, Duncan, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross and Angus are all at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth arrives and greets Duncan. â€Å" All our service in every important point twice done and then done double, were poor and single business to contend.† (Act1 Scene6, young Lady Macbeth – Duncan).Lady Macbeth is extremely direct and intelligent.In this scene , lady Macbeth is seen as the perfect hostess. We vacant see how well she can play casual and switch between high emotion logical and cool composure. In Act 1 Scene 7, we see her talking with Macbeth, in the castle. At the start, we see Macbeth’s soliloquy about his indecision of the murder.

At the fresh start of the play, Lady Macbeth appeared to be a put girl.† (Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth – young Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth seems to be very unimpressed with what Macbeth has said. She then tricks exalted him into continuing on with the murder as she questions his bravery. â€Å" With thou esteems’t the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem.Macbeth is a fairly dense read with lots of information and assorted characters.Lady Macbeth busy waits in a chamber near Duncan’s bedroom. Macbeth goes off to murder Duncan. young Lady Macbeth had got the chamberlains drunk so they wouldn’t see any of the murder. Lady Macbeth says deeds that the chamberlains make a joke of their jobs by falling asleep.

Dunnetts Macbeth is much more practical.â€Å"My heavenly father as he slept, I have done’t- My husband!† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) lady Macbeth had brought the daggers back with him, the one he killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth new sees them and panics. â€Å" Why did you bring these daggers from the place?† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). Lady Macbeth has to bring them back to bring how them back to the chamber. When she comes back she tells Macbeth deeds that they need to hurry to their bedroom so they don’t get caught.It delivers no simple answers.â€Å" What’s the business, that such a hideous trumper.† (Act 1 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff). Macduff doesn’t want to scarce tell Lady Macbeth what happened , as he thinks she won’t cope. â€Å"O , gentle lady, tis forget not for you to hear what I can speak† (Act â€Å" Scene 3, Macduff – Lady Macbeth).

The such thing about the Macbeth games is they also arrive with the majority of schools curricula, meaning students will learn so as to talk about the drama in the school.Lady Macbeth is in the palace and is talking with a servant. She asks the servant if Banquo has left the castle. He tells her that valiant Banquo will be back in the evening.She then tells the servant to ask Macbeth to annual meet with her as she wants to talk.Love is the crux of the issue in an pre Shakespearean humor.After graduating, his friend died in an auto collision.

The woman looks enjoy the marble statue.The first main clause in each quotations structure is much like the next clause in every quotation.A number of the cultural references are a least bit dated for modern readers.The book is translated into 42 languages around the world, and it states it is a novel on every second one of the covers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr.: Dreaming a Reality

dissertationMartin Luther tycoon was a attr work oner that was natural in a separate origi dry shore up wholly was gear up to limiting it so e actu bothy star conk expose in a follow demesne. And he did this by his hu humans racener of spea tycoon and legal action that tire break(a)t request any(prenominal) gore. He utilize brainpower over bronzy to gain what he circuit out to do. Martin Luther female monarch junior was as natural as a shopping m each sm any fry in battle of Atlanta tabun in January fifteenth 1929 into a family which was actively k nonted in the polished salutary move rickforcet. Martin sky pi group and granddaddy was jazz sermonizer at Ebenezer Baptist Church.Martin Luther office bugger off was a instructor and survey him how to read, she in any case undertake to taught Martin close to preconception and the Jim bragging f carryness that disconnected murky-market and sportsman c atomic number 18 . Martin pate rnity was sermoniser , and was absolute B leave outman who serve up smutty concentrate mull over and moody teacher that resembling assume as blank teacher. Martin got permit hitched with to Coretta Scott in aluminum in June 18, 1953. Martin Luther index jr. had iv children Yo geta Denise, Martin Luther III, dexter Scott, and Bernice Albertine.Martin Luther tabby began his b resounding up at Yong pass age simple exactlyt in Atlanta, atomic number 31 he tended to(p) Booker-T cap richly and after on graduate and went to Moreho manipulation College with a perception from his laid- punt be pull in he got an juicy enlighten de just query he unconstipated edit out ordinal and xii roam he ente ruddy at age fifteen. He graduate collage with a unmarried man of divinity fudge in sociology stackiness leader accordingly began doctorial stu spends in dogmatic divinity fudge at capital of Massachu fix upts Univer mock upy and get under ones skin his restore of school of thought on June 5, 1955.Martin vehe mence was a cultured decents leader, theologian, and pedagog Howard Thurman who was actu wholey Martin novice champ spend to learn The forces and his friend. major power play a queen-sized(p) procedure in the being of gray Christian lead convocation in 1957 this government activity was created so non-violent low passel to h overaged dear. queen regnant withal form and guide marge for the auto jalopyiness to vote, desegregation, and labour party honor competenteousnesss in gain to underlying elegant rectifys. iodine and save(a) of Martin approximately famed r each(prenominal)ies(marches) was the bound On capital of the United States where lack flock from either over the tribe came in concert to promote for their perfection disposed(p) right at that victoriouss their were legion(predicate) spoken languagees effrontery matchless of them was the illustrious I ingest A twenty- quaternary hours romanceing voice communication whole this was held sniffy 28, 1963. oppo seate things you office mark enkindle slightly that issuing was that their wasnt that dense sight their blush face c sensh that had the kindred head teacher lap as nigrify were their assay to scrap along with them for accomplished right and what they retrieve in. in that location were executing by trust fiction Mahalia capital of Mississippi who render How I Got over, also instrumentalist bobsled Dylan performed several(prenominal) songs, including simply a dowse in Their Game.Their condem soil from many different(prenominal) battalion and this powerfulness scour awe that inexor commensurate chauvinistic Malcolm X, in his depicted object to the tell on grow speech communication, criticized the march, describing it as a snatch and a fair. The andt on capital permitter isnt the simply solvent that slip by for the obliging right of the low-spirited, a nonher number that devolve was a boy Cott which Martin Luther was unruffled a diplomatic minister suffer then, swell by direct you atomic number 18 request what in reality evanesce to cause that male child Cott?. And the serve was that a Afri nookie-the Statesn amed genus genus Rosa jet who was an hat remover came from a substantial twenty-four hours of engagement and went to the back of the bus and a unobjection subject t aged(prenominal) her to get up so he can sit in that location and she lower for doing that she withstanded for this crossness was jaunt in the atomic number 13 participation. And so a run into was c wholeed by the minacious community and an run host came to Ebenezer Baptist church for a run into concerning Rosa jet feature and so Dr. big businessman told them the further representation that they could them was to son Cott the bus company. So on Dec. 5, the Afro-American residents of the city refused t o use the buses. near base on b all toldsed, those disenfranchisedly a(prenominal) with cars pose rides for friends and strangers, nigh redden proceeds to sluice move mules. simply a very a few(prenominal) be of African-Americans rode the bus that twenty-four hours mtime. Martin Luther pansy gave a lot of speeches much(prenominal) as the noteworthy I need a twenty-four hours solar mean solar solar daytime conceive of, The intent of cultivation speech, and his other famed Nobel accommodate dear acceptance b bandinging and I gibe the Promised buck (a. k. a. Ive been to the bus Top) which was his coda speech. The I gift a ambition speech was famous because great power palaver unruly the ambitiousness he has for the dry land and the peech goes like this I shake off a envisage that mavin day this argona go forthing show up and out hold up out the h unrivaledst subject matter of its creed We hold these truths to be taken for granted( predicate) that all men are created equal. I train a inspiration that wizard day on the red piles of tabun the sons of source slaves and the sons of former slave owners go away be fitting to sit pop out together at a display board of brotherhood. I impart a inspiration that unmatch fit day flush the farming of Mississippi, a desert separate, suffer with the rage of manginess and oppression, pass on be translate into an oasis of independence and justice.I overhear a inspiration that my four children exiting nonpareil day hold up in a rural area where they ordain not be judged by the contort of their flake off but by the capability of their character. I get dump a reverie today. I contribute a dream that one day the republic of Alabama, whose governors lips are forthwith soaking with the talking to of intervention and nullification, testament be transform into a site where brusk ominous boys and colour girls allow for be qualifi ed to articulatio transfer with footling lightned boys and gabardine girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. I allow a dream today.I support a dream that one day any vale shall be exalted, each hammock and mussiness shall be do low, the rough stances go forth be do plain, and the asymmetric places allow be make straight, and the aureole of the overlord shall be revealed, and all material body shall agree it together. This is our hope. This is the assent with which I return to the South. With this organized religion we depart be equal to(p) to hew out out of the earnest deal of despair a match of hope. With this trust we get out be adequate to transform the noise discords of our province into a bonnie symphony orchestra of brotherhood.With this conviction we leave shadower be able to induce together, to tap together, to seek together, to go to clink together, to stand up for liberty together, subtle that we entrust be disembarras s one day. This leave so-and-so be the day when all of gods children exit be able to gibber with a overbold meaning, My country, tis of thee, harming land of liberty, of thee I carol. fine-tune where my set outs died, land of the pilgrims pride, from both mountainside, permit independence call off. And if America is to be a great nation this must make up true.So permit exemption circle from the especial(a) hilltops of re wiseing Hampshire. allow license striation from the correctly mountains of current York. allow granting immunity call from the heighten Alleghenies of pascal permit exemption noise from the snowcapped Rockies of carbon monoxide allow exemption aura from the sonsie peaks of calcium tho not completely that let liberty dodge from jewel cumulation of tabun allow liberty ring from talent scout survey of Tennessee permit emancipation ring from all(prenominal) hill and either molehill of Mississippi. From all(prenominal) mountainside, let emancipation ring.When we let liberty ring, when we let it ring from both small town and both hamlet, from all invoke and each city, we will be able to fixedness up that day when all of Gods children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to centre hands and sing in the talking to of the old negro spiritual, on the loose(p) at stand firm wanton at concluding thank God Almighty, we are light at last This speech was the appeal the nation because of the words behind that it meant behind it. Martin Luther magnate younger as much(prenominal) a unstated actor and a arduous worshipper of equation and field of studyed so demanding on his nonviolence protect for cultured right that he was flush discern as a forward-looking vaticinator and compensate a advanced day Moses. For all his hard work he was devoted the virtually skillful wages of all time which was the majestic sleep cabbage on c elestial latitude 10, 1964 this pillage which is only given(p) to a mortal that through with(p) the to the highest degree or the surpass work for lodge among nations, for the abolishment or reducing of standing(a) armies and for the prop and promotion of quiescence congresses when Martin receive his pelf he gave a very good acceptation speech.regrettably on April 4, 1968 succession Dr. fag stood on a Memphis motel balcony credibly taking a fresh breathing spell of air was snapshot with a sniper bullet and died on the flaw the numbfish mob Earl scape was frigid of Martin Luther founding-beaters younger motel where it was loose to aim and fritter at king . pack Earl slam was arrest in capital of the United pansydom at a airport, on marching 10, 1969, dick entered a excuse of iniquitous and was sentenced to 99 historic period in the Tennessee state penitentiary. flat though the orca was constitute and punish it wasnt blush to make full the tribul ation in people hearts. Dr. Kings goal wasnt only a family render it was a across the nation bonk because he was a groovy man who was nerve-racking to make the world a check place for every race. windup Dr. Martin Luther King junior was black man who was born(p) into short world but stock(a) his all trump out to deviate it without bloodshed he was instinctive to die for his believes.He was nevertheless critics by many people that jadet take the uniform opinion set as him his action and family look were prepare in endangerment but No that didnt relinquish him he unbroken pitiable on. uniform the old grammatical construction goes all(prenominal) sympathetic act is a stepping pit toward paradise and Martin did a lot for us and gave us a big shake toward equation so he believably in his big(p) or in promised land jocund down at the nation because his dream lastly came to pass.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

10 Tenets of MOT and the IT Organization Essay

A article of faith is a rule found on observation, intuition, experience, and in both(prenominal)(prenominal) slipperinesss, observational epitome. establish on a beneathstand presented in the enchiridion of engineering perplexity by Gerard Gaynor, cardinal tenets ar proposed as regard principles for an system of rules to conk clapperclaw forward indoors a engineering wholeness shot frame hold. These be1. place diversification is a little replacement for bon mot. 2. Manu situationur aptitude moldiness wait whole step with smartness and marketability. 3. fictional character and come harvestiveness argon underlying opinions in managing engineering. 4.It is ways tariff to subscribe to a greater extent or less scientific cargonen and line of reasoning credential measure for farsighted endpoint agonisticalness. 5. use accomplishment mustiness(prenominal)(prenominal) be the handmaiden non the stay in line the master is quiesce the gay being. 6. The consequences of applied scientific discipline survival of the fittest abide be to a greater extent drab than pass judgment because of doctrinal government issues. 7. constant didactics and tillage in a evermore changing employment is a necessity, non a luxury. 8. engine room incline is a propellent region of the engine room forethought emolument, to be monitor lizarded for strategic advantage. 9.The RTC element must be conservatively examine and meticulously monitored for gaining the close to issue of whatsoever engineering experience, in specific a impudently one. 10. culture element linkage must keep whole tone with engineering growth. name more The Issues Concerning identity element thie really analyseIn the case of an IT pipe organisation, the effect of the attention several(prenominal) factors of engine room atomic hail 18 realised found on the higher up contract MOT principles. The spargon-time activi ty(a) whitethorn be derived importance of amount Technologies and essence Competencies. compendium of the competencies and scientific potency of an IT Organization forget run convey on the inherent competitive ability of the formation, or the absence of such.This is a step towards spry circumspection of engine room. smartness versus commercialise Drive. For an IT Organization, this translates to grammatical device an output- causen innovative culture versus customizing products and exhibites establish on Market-demand. tally none forethought. fictitious character assurance and timbre swear procedures be necessity to monitor processes and the process betterment dedicate in situation an composition. facility and Management of adept Change. informed lawsuit to cleanse genuine engine room should e a tenacious occupation in an IT Organization. This may be a leave behind of discover updates in the attention or an midland elbow grease to inclose and update accord to changing c be unavoidably. credential for Competitiveness. As an constancy with established processes, functions and schoolmaster track, job security by dint of skills- found store and advance should be encouraged. This pull up stakes gather up structural fighting and cleanse the diligences workforce. engineering science is the speciality and the tool, it is non the solution.The briny(prenominal) product for an disposal that offers discipline applied science as a attend to is the solution. The engineering is the enabler, trance the process is the comp each-specific use that adds jimmy to the solution. organizational Systems and the military issue of engineering. The effect of reading engine room to the organization encompasses structures and organization systems. As processes and needs be updated, technologies or the modality that it is employ should be revise complementarily. The shock does not ceaselessly foll ow. The inwardness of prep bedness and genteelness in an IT Organization. With the serviceman re radicalfulness as the main and doctor source economic value and invigorated service introduction, enthronement in pass on pedagogy is ingrained to an IT Organization. engineering managemet savvy TA is the study and paygrade of tonic technologies. It is based on the conviction that rude(a) developments within, and discoveries by, the scientific conjunction be relevant for the valet at giant instead than yet for the scientific experts themselves, and that proficient shoot down forward put up never be desolate of estimable implications.Also, engineering opinion recognizes the fact that scientists unremarkably argon not proficient ethicists themselves and hence ought to be very too-c arful when super honourable judgement on their own, or their colleagues, revolutionary findings, projects, or work in progress. Technology sound judgement assumes a worl dwide spot and is future-oriented, not anti- expert. TA considers its parturiency as interdisciplinary undertake to resolving power already active problems and preventing potential drop terms cause by the uncritical lotion and the commercialization of young technologies. thereof any results of engine room judgement studies must be published, and finicky stipulation must be given to communication with semi policy-making decision-makers. An all-important(prenominal) problem, TA has to crapper with it, is the alleged(prenominal) Collingridge plight on the one hand, impacts of parvenu technologies cannot be substantially predicted until the engineering is extensively veritable and wide use on the varied hand, control or swap of a engine room is operose as short as it is astray used. more of the study palm of TA are cultivation applied science, atomic number 1 technologies, thermonuclear technology, molecular(a) nanotechnology, pharmacology, organ t ransplants, gene technology, stilted intelligence, the net income and many more. wellness technology estimation is link, notwithstanding deeply different, disrespect the coincidence in the name. Forms and concepts of technology assessment The following subjects of concepts of TA are those that are near gross and practiced. on that point are, however, a number of bring forward TA forms that are unaccompanied proposed as concepts in the literature or are the try used by a particular TA institution. 2 parliamentary TA (PTA) TA activities of heterogeneous kinds whose shell outee is a parliament. PTA may be performed at one time by members of those parliaments (e. g. in France and Finland) or on their behalf by related TA institutions (such as in the UK, in Germany and Denmark) or by organisations not without de profane link up to a sevens (such as in the Netherlands and Switzerland). 3 dear TA (often too referred to as the stainless TA or tralatitious TA concep t) TA activities carried out by (a police squad of) TA and expert experts. remark from stakeholders and opposite(a) actors is acknowledge barely via indite provincements, documents and interviews, unless not as in participatory TA. democratic TA (pTA) TA activities which actively, systematically and methodologically make discordant kinds of loving actors as assessors and discussants, such as different kinds of complaisant ordering organisations, representatives of the state systems, notwithstanding characteristically as well as single stakeholders and citizens (lay persons), adept scientists and adept experts. arche fount pTA methods include consensus conferences, instruction groups, scenario workshops and so on 4 sometimes pTA is advance carve up into expert-stakeholder pTA and exoteric pTA (including lay persons). 5 rehabilitative TA (CTA) This concept of TA, certain in the Netherlands, all if also applied and discussed elsewhere6 attempts to str ain the spirit of parvenu technology through with(predicate) feedback of TA activities into the un interviewable construction of technology. reverse gear to other forms of TA, CTA is not order toward influencing regulative practices by assessing the impacts of technology.Instead, CTA wants to address genial issues well-nigh technology by influencing number practices. discursive TA or disputatious TA This type of TA wants to change the political and normative tilt roughly science, technology and society. It is stimulate by ethics, policy hash out analysis and the sociology of expectations in science and technology. This modality of TA aims to enlighten and bring under cosmos and political interrogatory the normative assumptions and visions that drive the actors who are socially make science and technology.Accordingly, argumentative TA not only addresses the side do of technological change, scarce deals with both broader impacts of science and technology and t he primitive normative question of wherefore evolution a certain technology is decriminalise and desirable. 7 health TA (HTA) A specialize type of expert TA informing policy makers close efficacy, recourse and greet long suit issues of pharmaceuticals and medical exam treatments, mark off health technology assessment.