Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Dissertation

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence - Dissertation Example Peter Salovey and John Mayer in their definition of emotional intelligence states that it is â€Å"a form of intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions† (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). One of the most common forms of research studies are based on connecting the aspects of emotional intelligence (as defined by Salovey & Mayer) with that of effective leadership. The literature on the leadership quotient has a remarkable number of theories that create a framework on the characteristics that define an effective leader, of which the two most distinct forms of leadership traits are, transactional and transformational (Mandell & Pherwani, 2003). In a transactional leadership, performance forms the main basis for rewarding or disciplining an employee. Emphasis is placed on timely completion of work, quality of work, and compliance with the companyâ₠¬â„¢s norms and values, while trying to affect an employee’s performance organizational punishments and incentives (Bass & Avolio, 1994). On the other hand transformational leadership functions through the notions of motivating and stimulating the co-workers, in order to create a completely different perspective on the organizational objectives, foster an atmosphere where the employees are motivated to achieve higher levels of capability, while inspiring the employees to put team interests before personal interests. Thus, transformational leadership functions of four basic pillars: intellectual incentive, edified influence, inspirational motivation, and consideration for each individual employee (ibid). From the conducted literature review it is evident that from that various studies on the results of effective leadership it is seen that the transformational form of leadership achieves better performance as a team (Keller, 1995), greater effectiveness and reparation (Hater & Bass, 1988), and better efforts from the junior employees (Seltzer & Bass, 1990). In this context, the researchers have also contended that to achieve effective form of leadership with positive outcomes for the entire organization, the aspect of transformational leadership must be combined with emotional and social forms of intelligence (Mandell and Pherwani, 2003).  

Sunday, February 9, 2020

What factors affect tourism in Oxford and your home city write an Essay

What factors affect tourism in Oxford and your home city write an not more than 600 words(300 words on Oxford and 300 words on factor affecting tourism in your country) - Essay Example Instead, brands should be developed around themes that are linked to the interest of the people and tourists. Culture is essential for a successful and a high-quality tourism industry. Oxford does not make enough of the culture and some cultural providers even never realize the importance of incorporating culture in tourism. Values and culture are essential additional products to the tourism industry. They provide a sense of ownership to the community members as well improve their quality of life. Thus, the tourism industry needs to realize the importance of culture and values of art. Poor tourism infrastructure is a major issue in oxford. The tourist attractions are okay, but there is still room for improvement especially in accommodation, information and transport facilities (Pritchard, Morgan, and Ateljevic, 952). Improvement in the infrastructure is, therefore, essential to increase the number of tourists visiting i.e. provision of better transport for tourists and ensuring that the streets are clean Creation of sustainability in the tourism industry is a major factor. Sustainability needs to be consumer focused and being aware of the visitor’s perceptions of Oxford as well as improving their experience. The industry has not reached the local people. Thus, campaigns are needed to enlighten the residents of oxford on the benefits and importance associated with tourism, and the sector needs to focus more on the consumer needs. Global economies affect the tourism industry in oxford. In the case of a weak UK or US economy, then this makes it to be a very expensive destination for visitors from the US. Thus, it is important to seek new alternative markets and demonstrate their good value for money (Glasson, 138). Russia is among the top 15 countries in the world in terms of the country’s world heritage and cultural resources. However, the countries tourism industry accounts for only 3 percent of the country’s gross domestic product that can be