Thursday, June 20, 2019

Legal Environment of Business2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Legal Environment of Business2 - Essay ExampleLaws relating to equal pay are violated. However, the employer may take advantage of the provisions of sufficient Pay Act to justify his action. These provisions allow for varied compensation if the employees are of different productivity under the same working conditions.Nesser is likely to follow the case against the Airline. This is because, the Airlines refusal for Nesser to work from home shows that the Airline only needs his services when he is perfect health condition. Employment laws do not allow this kind of treatment when employees fall ill in their line of duty.Failure to include all the required information was a breach of the requirements that dictate securities. The experienced scenario resulted from the actions of the outside entities and thus security laws were violated, specifically contract law. However, the outside entities have a defense since what unfolded was not intentional.Pearl cannot require the bank to pay effective on the check since it has already been identified that Sharpes account does not have sufficient funds. The bank can only make good out of the transaction if Sharpe makes the substantial deposit she had promised to make.Franklin is entitled to the credit as he demands. This is because, he expressed his concern to have payments ceased on an issued check. The cashier notified the separate tellers about Franklins directive. If no attention was paid by the teller who made the payment, it is the teller and the bank that are liable to the mistake and not

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